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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1142

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F11rrY-EIGHTH conennss. sm. III. cu. 1479. 1905. 1055 For interest, in lieu of investment, on seventy-five thousand dollars, 1"°°""** at five per centum, per Act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred V°’·°·¥’·“"- and forty-six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; For interest, at Eve per centnm, on forty-three thousand and fifty I dollars transferred from the Ontario Bank to the United States Treasury, per Act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred forty-six, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents; in all, eleven thousand nine hundred and two dollars and fifty cents. _ suosnouns AND naxuocxs. m§j{:h°¤°¤¤¤d B¤¤· Snosuormsz For y of hysician, teacher, ca nter miller en `- Sh°°l*°¤¤¤· neer, farmer, and bllfcksmith, as per tenth artidlee of treaty of J51y i·riillsi‘il°;il’o(id` third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five thousand dollars; For pay of second blacksmith, and such iron and steel and other materials as may be required, as per eighth article of same treaty, one theéusand dollabrs; f . ANNOcKs: or yo hysician, teacher, ca nter miller, en ineer, B°¤¤°°l¤¤· ` farmer, and blackgmithfhs per tenth articleldstrealzy of Julygthird, i’*iilli°:ila;li'e$1isf eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five thousand dollars; in all, eleven ‘ thousand dollars. ' SIX NATIONS or Naw Yom:. Yg{{_N¤¤¤¤¤ ¤* Nw For permanent annuit , in clothing and other useful articles, per Q,g{“;**Y· 46 sixth article of treaty ofy November eleventh, seventeen hundred and’p` ' ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. - sroux or Du·1mm¤m·r minus, mcLUmNe samnm sionx or Nnamsn. ,,,°§§,'{’ °' ‘““°’°'" For pay of five teachers, one physician, one carpenter, one miller, T¢•<=¤¤¤· ¢¤¤· one engineer, two farmers, and one blacksmith, (per thirteenth article V0!-1% l>· W- of treaty of April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundre and sixty-eight, ten thousand four hundred dollars· For pay of second blacksmith. and furnishing iron, steel, and other material, per eighth article of same treaty, one thousand six hundred ollars; For pay of additional em loyees at the several agencies for the Sioux mviavm in Nebraska and in North lgakota and South Dakota, eighty-five thousand dollars; For subsistence of the Sioux, and for &;1l’[)0SOS of their civilization, 5¤*>¤*¤¤¤¤¤·>- as per agreement ratified by Act of ngress approved February V0]- ¤>· r>· 256 twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, seven hundred thousand ollars: Pmmkkd, That this sum shall include transportation xlwmuon of supplies from the termination of railroad or steamboat transports- °p° ` tion, and in this service Indians shall be employed whenever practicable: And ovided further, That the number of rations issued shall ¤·¤¤¤¤ not exceedpzhe number of Indians on each reservation, and any excess in the number of rations issued shall be disallowed in the settlement of the a ent’s account: Provided further, That the unexpended balance _¤¥g¤i?_u¤*;•{;g M1- for tile fiscal year nineteen hundred and five is hereby appropriated ' and made available for nineteen hundred and six; For support and maintenance of day and industrial schools, includ- $¢*·<><·l¤· ew ing erection and repairs of school bui dings, in accordance with article V¤*· 1*1 v· 637- seven of the treat of April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, which article is continued in force for twenty years by section V<>1-¤5·v- $94- seventeen of the Act of March second, eighteen hundred an eighty- nine, two hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars; in all, one million and twenty-two thousand dollars. siocx, nxxrox crmnn. m§{gj¤· Y·*¤**·>¤ For seventeenth of twenty installments (last series), to be paid to them or expended for their benefit, per fourth article of treaty of V¤*-¤·l>·’4¢