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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1145

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1058 rirrrrmentrrr oonerucss. sm. 111. cH. ma 1905. C&_§°””“¤ I”d***¤¤» For support and civilization of the Northern Indians, California, ` ten thousand dollars. r€;’;$**ig“*i°” wd That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to investi- ` gate through an inspector or otherwise existing conditions of the California Indians and to report to Congress at the next session some plan to improve the same. ' d,§lQ‘;,’;Q€¤§E§I{’ Cgjj For fencing division line between the relinquished and diminished nmswu uueréuce. portions of the Round Valley Indian Reservation, California, two thousand five hundred dollars, to be reimbursed to the Treasury of the — United States opt of any money received from the sale of the said re in uished lan s. Eff"? P°’°"· J°“°Ph’“‘ Fo(i· purchase of agricultural implements, and support and civilization of J oseph’s Band of Nez Perce Indians, one thousand dollars. lm?" Ag°"°Y I“‘“‘ For support and civilization of the Indians of Pima Agenc , Arizona, forty thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars of which shall be made immediately available, to be expended for their benefit in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion, may deem best. P<>¤<>¤¤·For support and civilization of the Ponca Indians, including pay of emlployees, ten thousand dollars. Q,‘}]‘{§;,‘,{{‘Q;,§QF ““" or support and civilization of the Qui—nai—elts and Quil-leh-utes, including pay of employees, one thousand dollars. S¤<>¤¤¤¤<¤· Wyo- For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in Wyoming, fifteen thousand dollars. S"°“"°"°“* N"· For sup rt and civilization of the Indians of the Western Shoshone . ‘ Agency, bligvada, including pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. gygm S1;·;,¤¤¤¤- For purchase of teams, farming implements, seeds, and other necesg ‘ sary articles for the Big J im’s Band of Absentee Shawnee Indians in Oklahoma Territory, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, _ _ · two thousand dollars. S‘°“‘* D""* L“‘°· For support and civilization of Sioux of Devils Lake, North Dakota, W Ha W H C ten thousand dollars, _ _ _ ,,,,€,f‘,,,d U’§*,;11,§" _ For support and ervrlrzatron of the Walla Walla, Cayuse, and Umatrlla tribes, Oregon, including pay of employees, three thousand dollars. Y**“*¤*¤· For support and civilization of Yakimas, and other Indians at said ' agency, including pay of employees, eight thousand dollars I“°i°°“*“l°"’°"’°’· GENERAL INCIDENT.¤§Ié1E\g§léI;%NSES OF THE INDIAN A*i¤¤¤¤· Amzorul: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in _ Arizor;l,dir1<iluding traveling expenses of agents, one thousand five hundredollars. °·*'“°m*¤· CALIFORNIA: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in California, including traveling ex enses of agents, and support and civilization of Indians at the Round) Valley, Hoopa Valley, and Tule River agencies, four thousand dollars; and pay of employees at same , agencies, eight thousand dollarsrin all, twelve thousand dollars. °°]°""1°‘ C01.o1aADo: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Colorado, including travelin ex nses of agents, five hundred dollars. "’“*"’· Inrmoz For general incidgzntzfle expenses of the Indian Service in Idaho, including traveling expenses of a nts, five hundred dollars. I“‘“‘“ T°""°"Y· INDIAN Tmmrronxz For general incidinental expenses of the Indian Slprvice (ind the Indian Territory, and for pay of employees, eighteen thousand ollars. x°"°‘°°' MGNTANA: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Montana, including travelin ex nses of agents and pay of employees, V eight thousand five hundrefdolllsrs. ‘"°‘°°' N EVADA: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Nevada, including traveling ex nses of a ents, and support and civilization of Indians located on th; Piute, Walker River, and Pyramid