FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. 1059 ‘ Iiake reseryations, five thousand dollars; and pay of employees, including physician at the Walker River Reservation, at nine hundred dolllarshfogillthpusand nine hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand nine un re dollars. _ N nw Mnxiooz For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service N"' M“"i°°· ilu 1New Mexico, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand o ars. NORTH DAKOTAZ For general incidental expenses of the Indian Serv- -N°“*‘ D“°“’· ice in North Dakota, inc uding traveling expenses of agents at three agencies, one thousand dollars. O1z1:e0N: For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in °'°g°“· Oregon, including traveling expenses of agents, and support and civilization of Indians of Grande Ronde and Siletz agencies, three thousand dollars; and y of employees at the same agencies, three thousand dollars; in alljasix thousand dollars. ‘ SOUTH DAKOTA1 For general incidental expenses of the Indian Serv- S°““‘ D“k°“*· ice in South Dakota, including travelin expenses of agents at seven agencies, two thousand five hundred dogars. For clerical work and stationery in the office of the United States R;,,,‘{,$,§§f° I“‘“‘“‘ surveyor—general required on surveys within the Pine Ridge Indian <>1~·r§¤>1 v?<>rk.,c¤c.. Rwerv•tion,:S0¤tlx1)a¤l:ota, three thousand two hundred dollars. lfZZY°°°°g°°°r°] ° °f · Umm: For gvmenl incidental expensw of the Indian in “*"*‘· · Utah, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars. _ I _ Wasmiseronr _For incidental expenses of the Indian Service w""“‘*"°"· in Washmgtnn, travehn , expenses of agents, and su port - and civilization of Indiansat Colvide and Puyallup agencies, and for pay of , - Wromnez For genera! incide¤tal·expenses·of the~}n&an—iSeuv~iee»in~ w’°“‘*"'· (Wyoming, including traveling expenses of agents, five hundred _ o ars. Misonnnannons. ““°°"“"°°"" For clerical and incidental expenses of the United States inspector’s {§§,’,§§},‘,g`§§,",§',§’,‘g{’,j office, Indian Territory, in accordance with the provisions of section V<>!·30,v-504· , twenty-seven of the Act of June twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, entitled "An Act for the protection of the peolple of the Indian Territory, and for other purposes," ten thousand dollars. d _ For pay of confidential clerk in office of Commissioner of Indian ,OC.§)§`£u§l]§{§l,,,Yl°'k Affairs, at the rate of one hundred and fift dollars per month, one thousand eight hundred dollars, to be immediately available. _ To pay ad expenses incident to completion of the survey platting TXQQY °"m'°‘l and appraisement of town sites in the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and B,3_‘;"°Y·°°°··°‘”““ Cherokee Nations. Indian Territory, under the provisions of an Act of vdi. ao, p. mn. June twenty-eighth, eighteen hun red and ninety-eight, and all Acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, ten thousand dollars, the same to be immediately available: Provided, That the several town ·€',‘($Y,‘l'Q€g, c,,,,,,,,,,, site commissions in the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Cherokee Bieilggllagljggefmrk 0, Nations shall, upon the completion of the appraisement of the town ` lots in their respective nations, be abolished by the Secretary of the I nterior at such time as in his judgment it is considered proper; and all unfinished work of such commissions, the sale of town lots at public auctions, disposition of contests, the determination of the rights of _ claimants, and the closing up of all other minor matters appertaining thereto shall be performed by the Secretary of the Interior under such me 0mm0m lm rules and regulations as he may prescribe: Provided fi4rtlm·, That all ' unsold lots, the disposition of which is required by public auction, shall be offered for sale and disposed of from time to time by the Secretary of the Interior for the best obtainable price as will in his judg- _ _ ment best subserve the interests of the severa tribes; and the various ,,,g§§l,{§’l‘“g ““""‘ provisions of law in conflict herewith are modified accordingly.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1146