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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1151

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1064 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. Clavier Melinda Harris William Hardy, W. F. S. Hard , and mem- 9 7 y bers of the Kansas tribe of Indians in Oklahoma, for the land heretofore allotted to her in the Territory of Oklahoma and described as follows: Lot six of section seven, and the_north half of the southwest one-quarter of section eight, all in township twenty-seven, range four, containing one hundred and fifty-five acres, and the west half of the southwest one—quarter and the northwest one—quarter of section twenty- one, township twenty-eight, range five, containing two hundred and forty acres, a l on the Kansas Reservation rn Okla oma Territory. }Sj‘gf:g°°g& he ,0 _T at the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized and memumor. directed to rssue patents ID fee to Okemah and hrs wife Thrthequa, Wahnahkethehah, N oten, Tahpahthea, Shuckequah, and Neconopit, members of the Kickapoo tribe heretofore allotted in the Terr·itor·y of · Oklahoma for lands so allotted to them, in said Territory, and all restricgipns as to sale, incumbrance, or taxation of said land are hereby remov . W- "-W***°**°’· That the Secretary of the Interior be and he is hereby authorized ht-lim mm and directed to issue a in fee to’W. T. Whittaker lor the land heretofore allotted to him·in the Cherokee Nation, as follows: The west one·half. of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section seventeen, township twenty-one, north, range nineteen east, and the northeast quarter o the northwest quarter o the southwest quarter of _ X section sevelnteen, township twenty-one north, range nineteen east, I containing t irty acres. . . P,`f*u‘j;}‘{_ §}$?mf“d That the following-named allottees of lands in the (tue w Agency, myureumpmor Indian Territor , are authorized u n a roval of the §oretar of allotments. y po pp y ' ‘ Ilnteripéh to alienate certain portions of their allotments therein escri as o ows: enry icks, lot numbered three containing three acres, more or less, and Philip R. Dawson, lot numbered four, containinghtwenty-eight acre? all in section thirty, township twenty- seven nort o range twenty- our east. §‘;‘&j,‘{,(,,j*§,°f,‘,'jY(;e,_ That all restrictions on lands of adopted full blood adult white allotgixcalllottees, re- tees 111 the Quapaw Agency RTB l101'8by lf8H10V8d; y;.,;;.;. md 1,,.;;,,,,, That the Secretary of the Interor be, and he is hereby, authorized §f_°€”cgL{;°,g,_S”°’*‘ arid to set apart a tract aolfaland ngt exceedinglonle hérsndred and in corvrue a wen y acres in extent, immte v a jacent to e n now il-L°l]lS.i’t°li”°"°“°° owned bly the Keller and Indiana Consolidated Smelting Compan , in the sout half of the Colville Indian Reservation, in the tate of Vlyashington, suitable in its locagion for a town site,} and that] he cause the same to conveye to suc person as may be esi nate by said company to receive title thereto, upon payment by said compan of such price as may be iixed by him, and t at the money received therefrom shall bgideppsitiedl in the Treasury of the Unite States to the credit o the lvr e n ians. gjgzrgnuligh _ That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to issue a feesrmplgdpatent to Henry Guitar, an Omaha Indian, for lands heretofore allott to him in Nebraska, to wit: the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and lot four, section fifteen, township twenty-five north, range six east, of the sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, and all rlgestrgctions as etlo the sale, encumbrance, or taxation of said lands are ere y remov . ~ 8***** K Hmm That the Secretary of the Interior be and he is hereby authorized m°°¤°i€° m' and directed to issue a patent in fee to’Susan E. Hines, aimember of ·the Sisseton and Wahpeton tribe of Indians, for the land heretofore allotted to her in Roberts County, in the State of South Dakota, and all rlestrictionsdas to sale, encumbrance, or taxation of said land is ere y remove . A . §§'},g,{*f,'{·M,0_ _That the Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to issue a patent in fee to.Long Jim for the lands heretofore — · -·—» allotted tohrm by the Secretary of the Interior on April eleventh,