F11rrY-E1GH*r1—1 conoiucss. sms. III. ou. 1479. 1995. 1063 divide a portion of the reservation of the Sioux Nation of Indians in Dakota into separate reservations and to secure the relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder, and for other purposes " to be allotted the lands in said separate reservatio s as provided, in said Act v0l`25'P`m` n including the necessary resurveys, ten thousand dollars. , For the eguipment and maintenance of the asylum for insane Indians g;,‘f‘,‘{§; '#°{.’“}j;nm, at Canton, outh Dakota, §or incidental and a l other expenses necesé 1¤¤¤¤¤¤- sary for its roper con act and management inc uding pay 0 employees, and for necessary expense of transporting insane Indians to and from said asylum, twenty-five thousand dollars. I For pay of one special attorney for the Pueblo Indians of New Mex- Méwb ° I°'“°°" N' ico,done tpousand vefhundired dollars, and [for Ipecgpsapv gravelipg Island A°°°’¤°Y- inci enta expenses o said attorney for the ue o n iaus 0 ew · Mexico, five hundred dollars; in all, two thousand dollars. ~ For ayment to J. Hale Sypher, out of any funds in the Treasury of the lflnited States belonging to the Choctaw Nation, five thousand dollars, beling in flulll settlement of the claim oflthe said Syplper agafrist the said C octaw ation growing out of lega services per orme y him under and by virtue of a certain agreement made andentered into between the lega ly authorized commissioners of said nation and said Sypher on the seventh day of November, pligléteen hup<5ed and npéety- one, in accordance with the iindings of the ourt o aims m ein pursuance of the reference of the claim of the said J. Hale Sypher to _ ‘ the said Court of Claims for acgudilriacttionhupder ttlge ipf Congreas ·*”"· P- ‘°“· of A ril twenty-li nineteen un an our ing n ct ma - ing fpgopriationgsior the current and contingeat expenstep of the Indian epartmen and for fuliillin treaty sti u tions wi various Indian tribes, for the fiscal year endIng June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and live, and for other purposes] which sum the Secretary Rweirt of the Treasug is hereby authorized and directed to immediately play to the said J. ale Sypher upon execution by him of a recelrpt m l for all claims against the said_ Choctaw Nation for legal a profes- · sional sgrvices rendered by him to said nation under the agreement aforesai . . . That all actions against Indians or their property in the Territory of m22Q';;`, 3{f§{,‘§L,,{“` Oklahonés; whose affailrs are ilingexixthlp supgvisidré oginditan agegntg or bond superinten ents s a roug in e is r1c cour 0 the county in which the Indian resides. _ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to reimburse, as heretofore {,f,‘,‘§,;',f,$g’€°,§,‘Z,‘{,,_ approved by him, to Axel Jacobson, the_sum of two hundred and forty- t ree dollars actually expended by him in feeding, clothing, and caring for twenty-five Indian pupils at the Indian school, Wittemberg, Wiscoplsin, from July first to August twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred ninety- ve. _ _ tm'1`he President is herelgy authorized and directed to issue a patent in }}`_f‘,,,‘f,·,{‘;“{,'; m fee to lra M. Jones, an ttawa allottee, for a part of the lan heretofore allotted to him in the Indian Territory, to wit: The northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty, township twenty- eight north, range twenty-three east, of the Indian meridian, and all restrictions as to the sale, encumbrance, or taxation of said land are h - b removed. . L'I`(ha)t Joselph E. Milot, citizen Pottawatomie allottee numbered one §{’jj§*’,*g1{°*p§Q§‘§, ,,_ hundred an forty-four, to whom a trust patent has been issued een- lonuem. taining restlrictions upon tlhetalienztion, may sell :;1ndlcpnvey)th4z ntnsplld ·t' fllotment, u suc conveyance s a e su ]ec o e gppiiggahof th; Secretary of the Interior, and when so approved shall convey full title to the purchaser the same as if a final patent without restrictions had been issued to the allottee. _ _ _ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized and §f,‘§‘,{‘fsI‘§Q’,‘“}‘§é ,0 directed to issue a patent in fee simple to W. E. Hardy, Ameha ¤¤¢=¤¤>¤¤ of-
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1150