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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1155

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1068 F1F*rY.m1e1rrH ooNGREss. sms. 111. ou. 1479. 1905. ship one hundred and twenty—5ve north, range fifty west of the fifth _ _ principal meridian, South Dakota. §£,,°{“iL{’;l,l‘e°:},‘:‘d°“ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to issue a patent in fee to Benjamin McBride, Yankton Sioux allottee, for the lands heretofore allotted him in South Dakota, and all restrictions as to the sale, incnmbrance, or taxation of _ _ said lands are hereby removed.

,,{f°`"“° Qum M` That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereb , authorized

P**°°‘ in *°° °°· and directed to issue a patent in fee to Louisa Quinn Milller, a member of the Sisseton and Wah ton band of Sioux Indians, for lands here- ' tofore allotted to her in this State of South Dakota, and all restrictions Y km I di D as to sale, incumbrance, or taxation of said lands are hereby removed. Resenilvadon. n ° That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized L{“‘ "°’°"°‘ ’°' and empowered to set apart a tract of land not exceeding twenty acres ` w ww-.x>¤r1>¤¤¤s . 1n extent on the land reserved for ncy urposes on the Yankton Indian Reservation, in the State of guth Dakota, for the perpetual use of the Yankton tribe of Sioux Indians for a park and site for a monument or monuments to the memory of deceased Yankton Sioux chiefsand-eminent members of their said tribe whose memory they may desire to perpetuate. — ·Q,§§§‘(,*}·}}•{,P‘{•}f·_,,,,,_ That the resolutions of the Seminole council, passed and approved Mmeé- on April eighteenth, nineteen hundred, accepting and ratifying the contract an sale made by the Seminole town-site commissioners to John F . Brown, of the unsold lots in the town of Wewoka, Indian Teriitoy, for the sum of twelve thousand dollars, and also providing for the istribution of the said money among the Seminole people per _ caplita, be, and the same is hereby, ratiiied and confirmed. ,,§,’f‘f}§°,,§f‘ R°“"°' hat the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to sell and D;j£¤{0;¤,Q*¤¢:,°$;¤ of convey a lpatent to the diocese of Duluth for one hundred and sixty ` ' acres of and in the Chi pewa Reservation of Minnesota, within the county of Cass, in said Sptate, to be used as a site for a mission church to be established and maintained by said diocese of Duluth, said land {»°",{',,",l'§;;,,,,,_ to be selected by the Secretary of the Interior: Pww/oIded, That such _ P’l°° W me cw- sale does not conflict with any prior claim to such land. Such land to be sold for one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, and the timber, ‘ if an , on said land to be sold at such price as mady be determined by the Shcretary of the Interior, the proceeds of said land and timber to berlplaced to the credit of the Chippewas of Mississippi. ·n,,,’*°,1,‘,,,;,,{‘*,,,°,‘§_ °"" hat the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is herelgr, authorized P•*¤¤¤*¤ M *0- to issue patents in fee to Rosa Rice and Thomas Quinn, isseton allot- . tees, for the lands heretofore allotted to them in South Dakota, and that he be authorized, in his discretion, to issue a patent in fee to Alice Powless, an Oneida allottee, to lands heretofore a otted to her in Wiscousin, and all restrictions as to sale, encumbrance, and taxation of said lands are hereby removed. C,·§,'{{*{‘,§§:*’f’°Y°“‘ That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized in his discretion, P•¢¤¤¤i¤ lee to- to issue fee sim le tents to Antoine Cabney and Carroll Farley, Omaha Indians, Ior liihds heretofore allotted them in Nebraska, and all restrictions as to the sale, encumbrance, or taxation of said lands Rm B0 are hereby removed. any migger ..1. That Runs Bowing or William Elk, Ponca allottee numbered eighty- '°*'“"'· four, to whom a trust patent has been issued for lands heretofore allotted to him in Nebraska containing restrictions upon alienation, may sell and convey a tract of land lying on both sides of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway, not exceeding five acres, but that suc conveyance shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, and when so approved shall convey full title to the purchaser the same as if a final patent without restrictions had mma,] been issued to the allottee. mmmxeem _ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized, in his discretion, to issue a patent in fee to John Thompson, a Santee