FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. 1069 Sioux Indian, in lieu of the trust patent heretofore issued to him for the lands hn Nelbfasga, and] all restrictions as to sale, encumbrance, or taxation o said an s are ereby removed. ·‘ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase, for the use and l}l§},§*mf;g°0}“§,’fr§j, benlpfit of the Mille Lachlndians, lot numbered four in section twenty place for. ’ eig t township forty-t ree north of range twenty-seven west of the » fourth principal meridian, Minneéota, reserved by joint resolution of V°l‘3°’ p' m` Congress of May twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, as a perpetual burial place for the Mille Lac Indians, five hun red dollars, oiilso much thereof asi may be neelesslary, the person or pergo;13 holdin the le l title to said lot to dee the same y warrant e to the Ilnited States in trust for the use and benefit of the Mille Lac Indians. _ That the lands now held by the various villagps or pueblos of Pueblo MIQ‘§f,’,l{’I“°“““S*N°" Indians or by individual members thereof, wit in Pueblo reservations I·¤¤d· ¤*¤·· 0*- °*· or land; in the Territory of New Mexico and all personal property mptfmm mxmm furnished said Indians by the United Stateg, or used in cultivating said lands, and any cattle and sheepnow possessed or that may hereafter be acquired by said Indians shall be free and exempt from taxation of any sort whatsoever, including taxes heretofore levied, if any, until Con ·ess shallictherwise rovide. Tight the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized Rgglggggg MQ;·;*¤¤ to return to thaeseveral purchasers of the pine timber from the lands immtumémeprw of the ceded wa Indian, reservations, in the State of Minnesota, §§f'°"“°‘“ °i ""“"" all (pr epic}; ( o€0gl1e)mloney5s herizetofcge or hereiafter gezgerally deposi ite wi e1: I 1 s ing wen r cen um o e amoun 0 such bids, at sags held, 013 to held, und); the Act of January four- V¤*- 2*% v- 6** teenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, as ameéxéled by of {Huge V°*· 8* P- 26* twentyseventh, nineteen hundred and two, as the cretary o the - rior may determipe suck purchasers entitled to after the completion of tht ts r as . . Thactogomrhuch cguthe get of March third, nineteen hundred and UQg*,{f*°hR°”"°“°¤· three, as ppovidesthat the•grazing lands to be set apart for the use of the iu1x21g1g;) SH gaz- Uintah, hite River Utes, and other Indians on the Uintah Reserva~ p_ m_ tion, as provided by public resolution numbered thirty-one, of June · ·P· · nineteenth, nineteen undred and two, shall be confined to the lands
- `°`i“£‘ €ib°h‘2·S““P'b°"’ B"? ""’»3"d "F STE? tn2in3i35K2E3i18d; ·»···¤»
a e ime oropenm o u_1cenry - , d ‘ the Uintah Reservation in (Item ESV1I1g been fixed by law as the tenth opE§i’g[;§;csyfl for day of btarch, nineteendhundredtand hlvei, gens htetreibyi proylideid tha; ‘ ‘ th t'i reservaionsa ex ne o e rso Seiztlzhlilaeiifndhgtdgdgdndrw and tive, unless the President shall determine that the same may be opened at an earlier date and that the manner of opening such lands for settlement and entry, and for disposing of the same, shall be as follows: That the said unallotted lands, except- "°‘· 3* ¥’· 26* ing such) tracts aplinagis have beeg_set gd? is platicxiail fprgst ressggvgé d minera an as were ispos o y e c o ongr Ma Sllv(i*enty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two, shall be disposed of undler the general provisions of the homestead and town-site laws of the United States, and shall be ppened to settlement and entry by proclamation of the President, whic proclamation shall prescribe the manner in whichltgese lands may Eettlepl upoln, occupied, alndletngered b * · ft to m en ‘ ereo · an no person s a perxditltgdbthnsetad ugon, ocdludy, ogznter any of said lands, except as (prescribed in said piiloclamlation, until azger lthe expigatzon oil sixtyt ay; f· th t' me are ere yo n. oseemen an eiitiii: ;’rdgi?1ed, That fthharights of honorabl? discharged Union sol- Sizlgzsog. dim _ diers and sailors of the late civil and the Spanish war or Philippine dg},,,?" "" ‘ °'i insurrection, as defined and described in sections twenty-three hun red p·§§—·*°°**· ’·*°*·z*°¤· and four and twenty-three hundred and hve of the Revised Statutes, as v»1.s1, p. sn.