1070 FIFJTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. amended by the Act of March iirst, nineteen hundred and one, shall not m§j,;° °* "°"‘“*"*“g be abridged: And ovided fart/wr, That all lands opened to settle- ` · ment an entry uncigr this Act remaining undisposed of at the expiration of five years from the taking effect of this Act shall be sold and disposed of for cash, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interio1·, not more than six hundred and forty !;r<}¢<餤¤ég¤l¤· acres to any one person. The proceeds of the sale of such lands shall °` ’P'be applied as rovided in the Act of Congress of May twenty-seventh, nineteen liupdtied and two, and the Acts amendatory thereof and suplementa thereto. mggwh F°*’°“ R°· p That before the opening of the Uintah Indian Reservation the Presixcéaiouai me re dent is hereb authorized to set apart and reserve as an addition to “°V,§'?;9_,_895_ the Uintah {crest Reserve, sub]ect to the laws, rules, and regulations governing forest reserves, and subject to the mineral rights - V°l· B2- P- *3- ranted by the Act of Congress of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two, such portion of the lands within the Uintah Indian Resnumenna. ervation as he considers necessary, and he may also set apart and reserve any reservoir site or other lands necessary to conserve and protect the water supply for the Indians or for general. agricultural development, and may confirm such rights to water thereon as have Mm of mm already accrued: Provided, That the (proceeds from any timber on ma. such addition as may with safety be sol prior to June thirtieth, nineteerii] hlpndred and twpngy, ghall be paid Ito said Indians in aecorhnce wit the provisions o the ct openin the reservation. 1;¤v¤¤ Mf¤i¤8¤¤m· That the Raven Mining Company shall, within sixty days-from the. mcgiuacsw or me- passage of this Act, file for record, in the office of the recorder of “°" °'°"‘“““· °‘°· deeds of the county in which its claims are located, a proper certificate of each location; and it shall also, within the same time, file in the ofiice of the Secretary of the Interior, in the city of Washin ton, said description and a map showing the locations made by it on the Uintah V<>l· $1 P- 2***- Reservation, Utah, under the Act of Congress of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two (Statutes at Large, volume thirty-two,fpage two hundred and sixty-three); and thereupon the Secretary o the. Interior shall forthwith cause said locations to be inspected and report made, and if found to contain the character of mineral to which said company is entitled by the Act of Congress aforesaid and that each of · said claims does not exceed the size of a regular mining claim, to wit, rmmm. . six hundred by fifteen hundred feet, he shall issue a patent in fee to HMM- the Raven Mining Company for each of said claims: Providedfurt/mer, CF¤<>r¤3=¤¢ M*¤*¤¤ That the Florence Mining Company entitled under the Act of Con- 0II1f)6.D}. • eminem or um- gress approved May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two, to “°° °‘°’“'“· the pre erential rig t to locate not to exceed six hundred and forty acres of contiguous mineral land in the Uintah Reservation, Utah, shall within sixty days from the passage of this Act file in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county in which its location is made a progpr description of its claim, and it shall within the same time Hle in the office of the Secretary of the Interior said description and a ma‘p showing the location made by it on the Uintah Reservation, Utah an thereurgan the Secretaiéy of the Interior shall forthwith cause said "¤*¢¤°*<>· location to inspected an report thereon made, and if found not to - exceed six hundred and fort acres he shall issuea patent in fee to mgm¤::¤gm¤¤,em. said Company for the said lands; And provided further, That the extension of t1me for openin the unallotted lands to public entry herein granted shall not extend the time to make locations to any person or company heretofore 1`given a preferential right, but the Raven Mining Company and the lorence Mining Company pendinglthe time for opening to public entry the Uintah Reservation shall ave the right o ingress and egress to and from their respective properties over and through said reservation. ·
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1157