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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/116

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28 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. N"? D°P"·’m°“t· NAVY DEPARTMENT. orrrcn OF rim smonmrnur. Secretary’sOtHce. Salaries, Ofhce of Secretary of the Navy: For one clerk at the rate °1‘“]" of two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum for the balance of the iiscal year nineteen hundred and four, nine hundred » and thirty-three dollars and ten cents, or so much thereof as may be necessar . — 6£Yd*°8¤*Phi° 0** Contirilgent and miscellaneous expenses, Hydrographic Office: To risen-1cm0mm. pay bill of the General Electric Company for three electric motors for rmtin presses, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, five hundred and fifty-two dollars. m§_gj·* m·'·”¤¤· NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. Hmerseucy ¤m¤· Emergency fund, Navy Department: To meet unforseeu contingencies for the maintenance of the Na constantly arising, to be expended ~ at the discretion of the Presidentfggr the fiscal year nineteen hundred ang four, tcp thousand dollprséi · d N d M C0 Bri Mme N- rin 'n ome remains o officers an men, avy an urine

 °br°°d` who di§i1.b€·oad: To enable the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretigdi

to cause to be transported to their homes the remains of officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps who die or are killed in action, ashore or ailoat, outside of the continental limits of the United mélemujw States, fifteen thousand dollars: P1·0v2'ded, That the sum herein appro- ` priated shall be available for transportation of the remains of 0 cers and men who have died or who have been killed while on duty at any time since April twenty-iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and shall be available until used, am? applicable to past as well as future obligations. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “Bringing home remains of officers and men, Nav an Marine Corps, who die abroad," two hundred and thirty-seven dbllars and eight cents. Tug ··u¤¤m.·· To reimburse to owner die expense of repairing damages sustained P""°°"°°""‘ by tug Hustler run down from astern and sunk b United States ship Xankton, five thousand three hundred and one dollars and eighty-one cents. Murine Corps. _ · MARINE CORPS. °°°u"°°°f To supply a deficiency in the appropriation "Contingent, Marine Corps," including all objects mentioned under this title of appro riation in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen bundred and four, eighty-one thousand five hundred dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the approplriation for “Contingent, Marine Corps," for the fiscal year nineteen undred and two, six hundred and forty- six dollars and thirty-five cents. Clothing. For clothing for noncommissioned officers, musicians, and privates authorized by law, twenty-five thousand dollars. ¤i1i¤¤ MM- To suggily a deficiency in the appropriation for “Military stores, Marine orps," including all objects mentioned under this title of appropr·iation in the nav appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, twenty-five thousand dollars. m§¥’°"“ °‘ N"*¤" mymusu or Navroxrion. °°*“°'“· Maintenance of colliers: To provide for the maintenance of present fleet of colliers manned by merchant officers and crew for the remain-