F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. 160. 1904.. 29 der of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and eighty-two thousand dollars. - Naval training station California: For repairs to Washington street ‘€°l“°¤**¤; _ _ wharf, San Francisco, caused by damage by United States tug Vigi- tidlnlm mming `m lant, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, seventy dollars and ninety cents. Naval training station, Rhode Island: For installation of ventilating §;‘f,’Q{’ ffl*},'}{};g mk system, nine thousand and ninety-eight dollars and sixty-eight cents; tionfor installation of urinals, seven hundred dollars; for construction of frame building for detention of recruits and moving of sterilizing plant, four thousand ive hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thousand two hundred and ninety-eight dollars and sixty-eight cents. BUREAU or YARDS AND nocxs. D§;‘{g?'““Y““’“"d ` Maintenance, Yards and Docks: For general maintenance of yards M““’“’““”°°· and clocks, including all objects mentioned under this title of appropriation in the naval appropriation Act for the iiscal year nineteen undred and four, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. BUREAU or MEDICINE AND SURGERY. mf,“g§,“r;‘€‘j§,_M““*°*°“ Medical Department: To supply a deficiency in the appropriation m§,'{_‘“°“1 D"*’“"‘ "Medical Department," including all objects mentione under this - title of approlpriation in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen undred and four, fifty thousand dollars. _ Contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery: To supply a deficiency °°“““€°'“· in the appropriation "Coutingent, Medicine and Surgery," including all objects mentioned under this title of appropriation in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, fifteen thousand dollars. - To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for "Contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery," for the liscal year nineteen hundred and three, one thousand two hundred and two dollars and sixty-seven cents. BUREAU or STEAM ENGINEERING. g1iidlillil¢?iSicmEi" For purchase of materials, stores, machine tools, freight, and inci- S"¥’¥’“°*· °**‘· dental expenses, and for payments for repairs, materials, freiglht, and incidenta expenses for ips on foreign stations, being for.t e fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, twenty thousand dollars. - To reimburse Captain G. W'. Baird, Lnited States Navy, for a piece §éQb{’,gf,‘}]M,_ of much-needed machinery placed on board the Do}phin in eighteen hundred and ninety-three, ing for the service o the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, ninety-six dollars. ` o pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury Smm ¤¤¤<=¤i¤¤rvon account of the appropriation for "Steam machinery, Bureau of Steam Engineering," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, twenty-three dollars and thirty-one cents. _ INCREASE or THE iuvr. *“°'°°¤°°“¤°N°'Y- Toward the armament and armor, of domestic manufacture, for m—E‘}rff*°’ *""* °¤¤¤· vessels authorized, two million dollars. . ° PUBLIC Worms, NAvr DEPARTMENT. P‘*"“° **0****- NAVY·YARDS AND STATIONS. {kgs-yuasmu sa. Navy—yard, Boston,Massachusetts: Forextensionsand modilications, B°¤*°¤· M*’¤¤· yards and docks power plant, one hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred dollars.
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