riirrrnienrn couennss. Ms. 111. on. 1479. 1905. 1081 Sisters of Charity of Providence, three hundred and twenty acres, and to the Lrsuline Buns, three hundred and twenty acres, such lands to be reserved and granted for the uses indicated only so long as the same are maintained, used, and occupied by said or anizations for the purposes indicated, except that forty acres of t§e six hundred and orty acres hereinbefore mentioned as granted to the Society of Jesus are hereby granted in fee simple to said Society of Jesus, its successors and assigns: And be it further provided, That the President shall Qn°'f,;"·gm¤m m further reserve and except from said lands for the use of the University University or imnof Montana for biologica station purposes one hundred and sixty acres, mu" _ which land is hereby granted to the State of Montana for the use of the University of Montana. The governor of said State, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized to locate said last—mentioned lands. "'I` he President is also authorized to reserve lands upon the same gigggd *°m;' miconditions and for similar purposes for any other missionary or reli- om mm gious societies that may make application therefor within one year after the passage of this Act in such quantity as he,may deem proper. The President may also reserve such of said lands as may be convenient or necessary for the occupation and maintenance of any and all agency buildings, substations, mills, and other governmental institutions now in use on said reservation. or which may be used or occupied by the Government of the United States/’ The President is also hereby authorized to reserve not to exceed nve I¤di¤¤¤f¤¤1¤¤vr>¤r- thousand acres.of timber lands for the use of said Indians as a fuel ` supply, under such restrictions and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 10. For the construction of an irrigation system necessa for }’jg;8{{g;**gg·,Bu“ · developing and furnishing a water supply for the irri tion if the ot. lands of the Pima Indians in the vicinity of Sacaton on ti: Gila River Indian Reservation the sum of fifty thousand dollars to be ex nded . under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior: Provideage That §*0{,',"*$;,_ the total cost of the entire construction and installation of said irrigating system shall not exceed five hundred and forty thousand dollars: I’»·cc[¢/»·d f7u·Mer, 'l`hat when said irrigation system is in successful R°‘“‘*’“"°‘"°“‘· operation and the Indians have become self-supporting the cost of operating the said system shall be equitably ap ortioned upon the lands irrigated and to the annual charge shall be added an amount sufficient to pay back into the Treasury the cost of the work within thirty years, suitable deduction being made for the amounts received from disposal of lands which now form a part of the said reservation. _ Sec. 11. That townships twenty-two north of ranges one and two I,g§§§‘,‘},'§e;;`§},’;‘{f}{,‘:‘“ east of the Indian meridian, all in the Oto and Missouria Indian Res- N1’gr¤¤f. rmnchw w ervation, shall be attached to and become a part of Noble County, °b°°°°“°y’° °' Oklahoma '%rritpry·. f H I d f h U b k A 1 t I M Sec. 12. nat ierea ter a a a san writs o error s a e ta en P ?·° °··s¤ W from the United States courtsliiicthe Indian Territory to the United Tmmin mm` States court of appeals in the lndian Territory, and from the United States court of appeals in the Indian Territory to the United States circuit court of appeals for the eighth circuit in the same manner as is now provided for in cases taken by appeal or writ of error from the circuit courts of the United States to the circuit court of appeals of the United States for the eighth circuit. Sec. 13. That the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of the State of wQ}‘,fl{,YQ:;"}Lfé*,}PP* Michigan are hereby authorized, within ninety days from the approval msuizfmseineswim-. of this Act, to tile a petition in the Court of Claims of the nited Zmlf $;€$.’,§2‘R;E5’F”· States for the purpose of settling the question as to the ownershgr of the stocks. Government bonds. or moneys held in trust by the ovemment at the date of the treaty of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-[ive, between the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians and the United States
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