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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1169

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1082 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Cns. 1479, 1480. 1905. "°l· “· P· 62*- ( Eleventh Statutes, age six hundred and twenty-four), under the treaty V°l-"·P-*‘”· of eighteen hundred) and thirty-six (Seventh Statutes, page four hundred and ninety-nine), which was then deposited in the Treasury of the United States; and for the further purpose of ascertaining the amount, if any, due the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, under a conversion made on March ninth, eighteen undred and eighty-five, as set forth in the report of the honorable Secretary of the Interior on Senate bill numbered sixty-seven hundred and sixty-six, Fifty-seventh Con ress, second session, bearing date January seventeenth, nineteen ‘ hundred and three, and the report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, bearin date January fourteenth, nineteen hundred and three, thereunto attaclned. That said petition shall name the United States as g,§}’,}‘Q§ ,§’,f,,,§f.§l,',§“ defendant, and may be verified by attorney. That the Court of Claims is hereby granted jurisdiction in law and in equity to render judgment upon said petition, and to pass upon and find, as a matter of law, whether or not the conversion of said funds was authorized under the third article of [the treaty of eighteen hundred and fifty-tive above referred to. That the Court of Claims shall advance said cause u n the docket, and, if judgment be rendered for the petitioner, shgll ·‘“'°’“°Y’“‘°°· award a proper attorney fee for the attorneys of record, to be paid on separate warrants from the amount recovered. Approved, March 3, 1905. March 3,_19_i)5. CHAP. 1480.-An Act Making appropriations for the service of the Post-Ofiice [H- R- 1'8°°·l Department for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, and A [Public, N0. zig,] for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representcrtfzies of the United P·>ss¤1_ service an Siates of 1-lmerica in Congress assembler], That the followin sums be,

  • ”°°"""°"s' and they are hereby, appropriated for the service of the §ost·OfHce

VD1-5.1>-8*1 Department, in conformity with the Act of July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, as follows: Postmaster-General. OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER·GENERAL. Ad*¤*¤·¤*¤¤!- For advertising, five thousand dollars. C,f:l*:$g·g*>* *0 *’<·**¤l For compensation and expenses of United States delegates to the (Uijjversal ostal Congress, to convene at Rome, Italy, five thousand 0 ars. 0rf,’****·*>*’*l°° *¤SP•>¤’*· SALARIES or POST-OFFICE msrncronsc For salaries of five inspectors smmes. in charge of divisions, at three thousand dollars each; ten inspectors in charge of divisions. at two thousand live l]llll(l1'€(l dollars eac 1; six inspectors, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; fifteen inspectors, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; fifteen inspectors, at two thousand dollars each: seventy inspectors, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; sixty inspectors, at one thousand four hundred dollars each: and forty-five inspectors, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; in all, three hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. _ mmm. For per diem allowance of inspectors in the field while actually traveling on official business away from their home, their official domicile, and their head uarters. two hundred and five thousand dollars: Qggw mom [7*0;%/ea/, That the (l’ostmaster-General may, in his discretion, allow uma. post-oflice inspectors per diem while temporarily located at any place on business away from their home. or their designated domicile, for a period not exceeding twenty consecutive days at any one place, and may make rules and regulations governing the foregoing provisions umn- relating to per diem: And pim-z'ded_/)4z·thew·, That no per diem shall be paid to inspectors receiving annual salaries of two thousand dollars or more.