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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1172

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1480. 1905. 1085 and superintendents of stations, three hundred and sixty-nine, at not exceeding one thousand four hundred dollars each; Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant ‘“”·°°°· superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of registry, assistant superintendents of stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing clerks, chief stamp clerks, clerks, finance clerks, foremen of crews, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents of stations, four hundred and forty-five, at not exceeding one thousand three hundred dollars each; Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant M$1·2°°- superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of registry, assistant superintendents of stations, bookkeepers, chief stamp clerks, clerks, finance clerks, foremen of crews, printers, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents of stations, one thousand seven hundred and thirty-tive, at not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars each; Assistant superintendents of stations, clerks, (printers, private sec- Ai ”*1°°· retaries, superintendents of carriers, superinten ents of second—class matter, and superintendents of stations, one thousand six hundred and \ seventy, at not exceeding one thousand one hundred dollars each; Assistant superintendents of stations, clerks, clerks in charge of sta- MSU100- ‘ tions, printers, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, and superintendents of second-class matter, two thousand seven hundred and forty-four, at not exceeding one thousand dollars each; Carpenters, clerks, clerks in charge of stations, pressmen, rinters, Atmand private secretaries, two thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, ` at not exceeding nine hundred dollars each; _ Carpenters. clerks. clerks in charge of stations, and pressmen, four M9800- thousand two hundred and thirty-tive, at not exceeding eight hundred dollars each: Carpenters, clerks, clerks in charlge of stations, janitors, laborers. =“*7°°· messengers. porters, pressmen, an watchrnen. four thousand one · hundred and fifty-tive, at not exceeding seven hundred dollars each; Carpenters, clerks, clerks in charge of stations, janitors, laborers, *“'”°"- messencrers, porters, pressmen, and watclunen, four thousand two hundred and fortv-three, at not exceeding six hundred dollars each: Clerks. clerks in charge of stations-, janitors. laborers, messengers. M*‘°°· porters, and watchrnen, eight hundred, at not exceeding five hundred dollars each: Clerks, clerks in charge of stations, janitors, laborers. messengers. ·'****°°- orters, and watchmen, five hundred, at not exceeding four hundred dollars each; Clerks. clerks in char re of stations. laborers, and janitors. four hun~ Atmdred, at not exceeding iilrree hundred dollars each: · Clerks in charge of stations, eight hundred, at not exceeding two -***20*)- hundred dollars each: Clerks in charge of stations, at a rate of compensation not to exceed M'-?i*>0· one hundred dollars each. one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: In all, twenty-one million dollars. _ And the appointment and assignment of clerks hereunder shall be so ,,g}l,Z,*f§f,’§Q"’°“'· °’°·· made during the tiscal year as not to involve a greater aggregate expenditure than this sum. That hereafter when any clerk in post-offices of the first or second s“"S‘““*°”·“°"°d- class. or in the Railway Mail Service: or· any letter carrier in the city free-delivery service; is absent from duty from any cause. other than the fifteen days` annual leave with pay allowed by law. the Postnmster-