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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1173

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1086 F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. lll. Ch. 1480. 1905. General, under such regulations as he may prescribe, may authorize Paymeuctmmlapsed the employment of a substitute for such work, and payment therefor ”1“"s‘ from the lapsed salary of such absent clerk, or letter carrier, at a rate not to exceed the pay of the grade of work performed by such substitute. C,;_‘;;’g;*,;g`§;* for For compensation to substitutes for clerks of first and second class post-offices on vacation, one hundred thousand dollars; . T°mP°’”Y °l°’kS· For temporary clerk hire, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: gggfg-bmy hom Provided, That the Postmaster-General may, in the disbursement of . ithis appropriation, allow postmasters at firstclass offices to employ temporary clerks at the rate of twenty-Eve cents an hour during the rush or busy hours of the day. S¤P¤¤*i¤€ mm- For separatingl énails at third and fourth class post—ofi:ices, eight hundred thousan ollars. -U¤¤¤¤¤l b¤S*¤<*S¤· For unusual business at third and fourth class post-ofiices, fifty thou- Egg-ex nm sand dollars: Provided, That on the direct order of the PostmasterpeGeneral any part of this sum may be allowed for clerk hire, rent, fuel, light, and miscellaneous e nses in Alaska when by reason of unusual conditions the interest of th); service demands such allowances. Oiggkl ¤¤¤1<¤=-¤¤ For allowance to third—class post—offices to cover the cost of clerical mma. services, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That no ‘m°"“““°“‘ allowance in excess of two hundred dollars shall be made where the salary of the postmaster is one thousand dollars, one thousand one hundred dollars, or one thousand two hundred dollars; nor in excess of three hundred dollars where the salary of the postmaster is one thousand three hundred dollars, one thousand four hundred dollars, or one ‘ thousand five hundred dollars; nor in excess of four hundred dollars where the salary of the postmaster is one thousand six hundred dollars, one thousand seven hundred dollars, one thousand eight hundred dol- . lars, or one thousand nine hundred dollars. R€'-**·ligh*·**¤df“°l- . For rent, light, and fuel for first, second, and third class post—offices, f1F$,*f°*— two million eight hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That there shall ` not be allowed for the use of any third—class post-office for rent a sum in excess of four hundred dollars, nor more than eighty dollars for fuel rem. and light, in any one year: And provided further, That the Postmas- . ter-General may, in the disbursement of this appropriation, apply a part thereof to the purpose of leasing premises for the use 0 postofiices of the first, second, and third classes, at a reasonable annual rental, to be paid quarterly, for a term not exceedin ten years. M"°°“““°°‘“· For necessary miscellaneous and incidental items tfirectly connected with first and second class post-offices, including furniture, cleaning, and all other matters not specifically provided for in other appropriations, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. “"’“"““i"g· For advertising and purchase of newspapers containing advertisements contracted for under this appropriation, twenty-tive thousand dollars. C°¤°°“¤8 '¤¤°*“¤°’*· For rental or purchase of canceling machines, including cost of power, motors, repairs to motors, and miscellaneous expenses of installation and operating, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. m$gf!§“,:f" For compensation to seven assistant superintendents, salary and allowance ivision, at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum _ each, fourteen thousand dollars. , P" d‘°m·°‘°· For per diem allowance for seven assistant superintendents, salary and al owance division. when actually traveling on business of the Post—OEice Department, at a rate to be fixed by the Postmaster- General not to exceed four dollars per day, and for other necessary official expenses, ten thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. S"“°‘“"Y· For stationery for postal service, sixty-five thousand dollars.