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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1175

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1088 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS Sess. III. Ch. 1480. 1905. to pay freight on postal cards, stamped envelopes, and stamped paper, mail equipment, and other suplplies from the manufactories and epositories to the post—offices and epots of distribution, forty million mne

 for mg hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter before making

jusriligiliixtipsy. the readjustment of pay for transportation of mails on railroad routes, the average weight shall be ascertained by the actual weighing of the mails for such a number of successive working days not less than ninety, at such times after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, and not less frequently than once in ever four years, and the result to be stated and verified in such form andy manner as the Postmaster- General may direct. · ,c;’°“*’m°° °°' ”°“" For raglwag1post—qlB‘i(pel{:ar service, five million eight hundred and ` sevent — ve thousand dollars. ,c§**“"’°>’ M1 ’°"‘ Rnrrlwxr MAIL snnvron: One general superintendent, at four thou- , General ¤¤perin— sand dollars; one assistant general superintendent, at three thousand {§,{}f;§§?L;“°{1.l?°e$’nll` five hundred dollars; one chief clerk, office of general superintendent, at two thousand dollars; one assistant chief clerk, office of general superintendent, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; eleven division superintendents, at three thousand dollars each; eleven assistant division superintendents, ag one thousanélh eightdhunillreg dgllagsd qth; five assistant su erinten ents, at one thousand e` t un e 0 rs each; twenty-thiiee assistant superintendents, at dhe thousand six hundred dollars each; one hundred and twenty-five chief clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; two hundred and fifty-nine clerks, class six, at not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars each; one thousand two hundred and sixty-six clerks, class five., at not exceeding one thousand four hundred dollars each; five hundred and twenty- eight clerks, class Eve, at not exceeding one thousand three hundred dollars each; one thousand seven hundred and twenty-six clerks, class four, at not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars each; one thousand seven hundred and fifty-four clerks, class four, at not exceeding one thousand one hundred dollars each; five thousand and forty-seven clerks, class three, at not exceeding one thousand dollars each; two thousand and thirty-one clerks, class two, at not exceeding nine hundred dollars each; nine hundred and five clerks, class one, at pot gxecgedigg eigh: hnndlredhdollarg Sapp: in all, fourteen million one un r an seven y-eig t thousand dollars. ` m{,PP°*¤*m°¤'·° “”*‘ And the appointment and assignment of clerks hereunder shall be ` so madie durmbg thqliiseal year as not to involve a greater aggregate · ex n iture t an t is sum. pa·},",‘,§§,'{{{"(§,j‘Q;_‘” “°‘ liithe assignment or transfer of clerks from the railway mail service, Preferennce for civil however, preference shall be given to the persons honorably disclmrged w" ""i°&' from the military or naval service who served in the civil war and who are now serving as clerks on the railway mail cars in order that they may be transferred to clerical service in the Department or in the post~ offices and relieved from service on said cars as rapidly as practicable, provided they are found to possess the business capacity necessary for the properi discharge of the duties of the offices to which they may be transferre . F¤¤¤=8¤¤¤Y ¤¢¤’*¤¤- For teipiporzry clegkl hire in classes one and two for emergency _ service, fty thousand o lars. §gf_gg¤*<=‘ *******5- For substitutes for clerks on vacation, fifty thousand dollars : Pro- Annual vmtmn. vided, That the Postmaster-General may allow railway postal clerks whose duties require them to work six days or more per week, fifty- two weeks per year, an annual vacation of hfteen days with pay. jf,”lQ,{,‘jl*;’k; cm For acting clerks, ID place of clerks rnynred while on duty, and to emma. enable the Postmaster-General to pay the sum of one thousand dollars, ‘ which shall be exempt from the pavment of debts of the deceased, to the legal representatives of any railway postal clerk or substitute rail-