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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1176

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F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1480. 1905. 1089 way postal clerk who shall be killed while on duty or who, being injured while on duty, shall die within oneyear thereafter as the result of such injurly, one hundred thousand dollars. For actua and necessary expenses of General Superintendent, rnvelinsexpevses- Assistant General Superintendent, chief clerk office of General Su r- intendentaassistant c ief clerk office of General Su rintendent, digision supermtendents, assistant division superintencleliits, chief clerks, and railway postal clerks, while actually traveling on business of the Department and away from their several designated headquarters,' twenty-one thousand dollars. For rent, light, fuel, telegraph, and miscellaneous office expenses, Mi¤¢¤11¤¤¤¤¤¤- schedules of mail trains, telephone service, typewriting machines, and Hedges for railway postal c erks, fifty-eight thousand five hundred o ars. · For per diem allowance of assistant su erintendents, twenty-five P¤=,<¤¤¤¤· F- i-¤¤¤¤f thousand dollars; and for their necessary otheial expenses not covered °mp°nm“d°mS' by their per diem allowance, not exceeding five thousand dollars; in all, thirty thousand dollars: Prmiided, That assistant superintendents glimmmay receive a per diem allowance in lieu of actual and necessary travel- °w°°°°' ing expenses at the rate of four dollars per day while actually traveling on business of the Department. For inland transportation of mail by electric and cable cars, seven S“°°*·°¤¤‘ *”*°°· hundred and seventy-two thousand six hundred dollars: Provided, mfr mm That the rate of compensation to be paid per mile shall not exceed the P ' rate now paid to companies performing said service. Exec t that the §,*,fgg8°- QL, cm sum of one hundred and seventy-two thousand six hundredp dollars of mo · ` the sum in this item appropriated is hereby made available for the purpose of covering the cost of mail service by underground electric cars in the city of Chicago, Illinois, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six. And the Postmaster-General is authorized to con- "°“*“°*· tract for said underground service in Chicago at an annual rate not exceeding said sum of one hundred and seventy-two thousand six hundred dollars for a period not exceeding four years. _ _ _ _ For necessary and special facilities on trunk lines from Washington §§P,f§,f;},駧}f"}§“·A,r to Atlanta and New Orleans, one hundred and forty-two thousand seven }¤¤¤; Md New Orhundred and twenty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents: 1b'0I'l'(Zrd, °li·l;5¤·:,=q. That no art of the appropriation made by this paragraph shall he °°“‘“"°"· expended) unless the Postmaster-General shall deem such expenditure necessary in order to promote the interest of the postal service. _ For continuing necessary and special facilities on trunk lines from NQ§;‘;‘:{'j“,§`;§§g_“"”··"’ Kansas City, Missouri, to Newton, Kansas. twenty·li-ve thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: ]’»·m-ded, That no part €r<»··m _ of this appropriation shall be expended unless the Postmaster-General °"` °"" shall deem such expenditure necessary in order to promote the interest of the postal service. · For transportation of foreign mails. two million seven hundred and F"{°‘¥“ ”“"’—‘- twentydive thousand dollars, of which sum forty-tive thousand dollars M'“l"° T“l‘*“- or so much thereof as may be necessary shall be available for contracts for carrying mails from San Francisco to Tahiti, in accordance with "*’*—*°·P-*3* the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. entitled "Au Act to provide for ocean mail service betwmp th; gnifiel States Pr and forei n rts and to romote commerce:` ravi el . at iere- ”€’°· _ after the T)O§iZ0m3Sl€f-G€D€lEIl shall be authorized to expend such sums shiilgih on mam as may be necessary. not exceeding eightyytive thousand dollars, to cover one-half of the cost of transportation. compensation. and expense of clerks to he employed in assorting and pouching mails in transit on steamships between the United States and other postal administrations _ _ in the International Postal Union. and not exceeding forty thousand N;§"‘$f§‘{ QQ,dP‘§;; dollars for transferring the foreign mail from incoming steamships in Fr¤¤cisc¤. vo;. xxxm, er 1—-69