FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1480. 1905. 109]. For all other incidental expenses, including letter boxes, kage I"°'*‘*°“'°"°‘P°“'°‘ goges, posts, furniture, satchels, and straps, three hundred thdhsand o ars. For car fare for special—delivery messengers in emergent cases, ten SP°°*“1d°“'°*'Y- thousand dollars. For fees to special-delivery messengers, nine hundred thousand dollars. RURAL Fam:-Dnnrvnnr snnvrcnz For compensation to six division §}‘,.‘g},ff,°° ‘L§§Q,‘§,,',{; superintendents of rural free-delivery service, at two thousand four t¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- hundred dollars each, fourteen thousand four_ hundred dollars. ` For compensation to twenty-five rural agents, at one thousand six R“"’·1°*°“"“· hundred dollars each; eighteen rural agents, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; eighteen rural agents, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; twenty-five rural agents, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; sixty-five rural agents, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, and ten rural a ents, at one thousand dollars each, two hundred and twelve thousandg seven hundred dollars. , For per diem allowance for one hundred and sixty-one rural agents P°" mmwhen actually traveling on business of the Post—OiHce Department, at a rate to be fixed by the Postmaster-General, not to exceed four dollars per day, and for other necessary official expenses, one hundred and ninety-three thousand two hundred dollars. For incidental and other necessary official expenses of division w(gf*'*¤ ¤* ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤r- superintendents and rural agents, livery hire, forty thousand dollars. ` or compensation to clerks at division headquarters: Twelve clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at one thousand dollars eachfiomteen clerks, at nine hundred dollars each, forty-eight thousand o ars. . For pay of letter carriers and clerks in charge of subsintions of ,_,0°,f;§’;‘fS““ ’“"°** rural free-delivery service, twenty-five million one hundred and twenty ` thousand dollars: Provided, That not exceeding twelve thousand five Pr·¤;i¤•>· hundred dollars of the amount hereby appropriated may be used for I"m`°f°r°]°m" compensation of clerks in charge of substations. _ • For incidental expenses, including collection boxes, furniture. I“°‘°°'“"1°“"’“*“· satchels, straps, badges, and the making of maps for use in the rural free-delivery service, two hundred thousand dollars. _ That the appropriations herein made for the officers, clerks, and pQQ;f,,§f_?,§§‘§P‘,‘QJ§‘f persons employed in the postal service shall not be available for the r¤¢‘i¤~¤¢d- ` compensation of any persons permanently incapacitated for perform- _ ing such service. T e estab ishment of a civil pension roll or an p,$§`,§§§‘}{Q{};_ °‘°·· "°“· honorable service roll, or the exemption of any of the officers, clerks, and persons in the postal service rom the' existing laws respecting employment in such service is hereby prohibited. Sec. 2. That hereafter, whenever it shall be shown to the satisfac- ,,,%$,l§{.§‘_{.‘{§_p°"“‘° tion of the Postmaster-General that any postage is paid on any mail matter for which service is not rendered, or is collected in excess of the lawful rate. he may, in his discretion, authorize the postmaster at the office where paid to refund the proper amount out of the postal _ receipts in the possession of the postmaster: I’Mw'ded, That this pro- {I";`?;;,, ,,,,,1,,,- vision shall apply to all applications for such refunds pending in the tions- Post—OiHce Department at the time of the passage of this Act. x rm,` That if the revenues of the Post-Ollice Department shall be insuiii- mégiiighaeféds. m cient to meet the appropriations made by this Act, a sum equal to such deficiency of the revenue of said Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro riated, to supply said deficiencies in the revenues for the Post-Ogice Department for the year endin gJune thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six. Approved, March 3, 1905.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1178