1090 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1480. 1905. New York Bay to the several steamship and railway piers, and for transferring the foreign mail from incoming steamships in San Francisco Bay to the piers. Assistant snpmn- For assistant su erintendent of foreign mails, with headquarters in ‘°““'"‘ New York, New dork. two thousand five hundred dollars. _Ba1ances_due mr- For balances due foreign countries, one hundred and fifty-three °‘g“ °°““t"“‘ thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. For miscellaneous items, including railway guides, city directories, • and other books and periodicals necessary in connection with mail transportation, one thousand dollars. rniia Assistant ormcn OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT rosmasran-GENERAL. Postma.st.er·Geueral. stamps. For manufacture of adhesive postage and special-delivery stamps, and books of stamps, four hundred an twenty thousand dollars. nismnntinn. For pay of agent and assistant to distribute stamps, and expenses of agency, eleven thousand two hundred and_eighty dollars. stamped envelopes, For manufacture of stamped envelo s and newspaper wrappers, °‘°‘ nine hundred and twenty-tive thousand Idgllars. Distribution. For pay of agents and assistants to distribute stamped envelopes and i newspaper wrappers, and expenses of agency, twenty thousand five hundre dollars. rnstiiieiias For manufacture of postal cards, one hundred and ninety-six thousand dollars. Distribution. For pay of agents and assistants to distribute postal cards, and expenses of agency, seven thousand six hundred and forty dollars. otricini envelopes. or registered- ackage, ta , official, and dead—letter envelopes, two hundred and six thousand doldars. S¤ir>.¤¢¤-.1¤¢¢¤r=·~ For ship, steamboat, and way letters, five hundred dollars. 1nm~ninity,1nsti-eg- For payment of limited indemnity for the loss of pieces of first-class
- """°" “*‘“· registered matter, six thousand dollars.
Blanks, etc. For blanks, books, and printed matter of ur ent or special character, including the pre aration, publication, and free distribution to the public of a pamplhlet containing general postal information, intaglio seals, and other miscellaneous items of immediate necessity for the registry system, fifteen thousand dollars. uimninnennt. For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. ,,,§[§§'§§Q °,§’,,‘},§‘f°},,f,§j The appropriation for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five of 1¤gl¤:g¤g•m_ twenty- ve thousand dollars for the employment of special counsel to 'prosecute and defend suits affecting the second-class mailing privilege is hereby reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six. ,,Ol;?l';*;j;L_r_(,j;jé¤;j"* orrror: or 'rmu rocnrn Assisrnxr POSTDIASTER-GENERAL. Mi**‘*—"'"¤°"'*¤- For miscellaneous items. one thousand dollars. };Q,{é}°gL‘,i${gg F um:-m:L1v1·:nY snnvicaz For pay of letter carriers in offices ' already established, and for substitute letter carriers, and for temporary carriers at summer resorts, holiday, election, and emergency service, twenty-one million two hundred and ninety-six thousand five _ hundred and seventy-tive dollars. N"' °m°°" For pay of letter carriers in new offices entitled to free—delivery service under existing law, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. H°”° N"- d ger horse—hire allowance, seven hundred and twenty-five thousand o ars. C" ‘°’°·°'°- For car fare and bicycle allowance. three hundred and twenty-f:ive thousand dollars. M°°h'"°°°' For compensation to twenty-two mechanics, at not exceeding nine hundred dollars each, nineteen thousand eight hundred dollars. i-i£°,E`§',T$}{ce°f1°h""“‘ For marine postal service, Detroit, Miciiigan, four thousand tive hundred dollars.