30 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 160. 1904. New Y°*k· N- Y- Navy-yard, New York, New York: For partitions and improvements in building numbered twenty-two, fifteen thousand dollars. P*>¤S¤°°***»F*°- Navy—yard, Pensacola, Florida: For temporary boat shed for construction and repair, five thousand dollars. ‘ Umm P- I- Naval Station, Cavite, Philippine Islands: For extension of construction and repair joiner shop, two thousand eight hundred dollars. UNDER THE SECRETARY or THE NAVY. _ G“““*““*““°· C“"°· For necessary expenditures incident to the occupatioln and utililzation of the naval station at Guantanamo, Cuba, to be use for suc purposes as the Secretary of the Navy may direct, two hundred thousand dollars. · UNDER BUREAU or NAVIGATION. N°"P°"- K I- For pay of inspector engaged upon work in connection with exten- Nam Wu Comm` sion to NaValaWar College at Newport, Rhode Island, six hundred and fifty dol rs. UNDER BUREAU OF ORDNANGE. Ngggf 1¤1¤¤d,·g· Y-- _ For clearing the sites and rebuilding shell houses numbered three Repairs.and four; for replacing shell houses numbered one and two; Hxed ammunition houses numbered one and two; storehouses numbered one and two; (power house; pump house; shipping house; cottages of gunner an watchmen; railroa tracks, and for miscellaneous repairs rendered necessary by an ezgplosion which took place at the naval magazine, Iona Island, New ork Harbor, on November fourth, nineteen hundred and three, one hundred thousand dollars. UNDER BUREAU or EQUIPMENT. N°"°l °b“°"°‘°"Y· Naval Observatory: For grounds and roads: Continuing grading. extendipg roads and paths, c earing and improving grounds, five thousand do lars. N¤V¤'A°°d°mY· NAVAL ACADEMY. 0*****- For additional coal, six thousand four hundred dollars. mg;g$¤·>r Devm- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. m$1'{‘,,§§,§‘QF“I”°““ Pay of one clerk, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, to sign, under the direction of the Secretary, in his name and for him, his approval of all tribal deeds to allottees and deeds for town lots made andexecuted according to law for any of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians in the Indian erritory, salary from March tenth to June thirtlnehh, ningtptenrthuéidred and four, three hundred and seventy-three o ars an 1 y- ve cents. §}ggj,,,ng_ M Cm _ For mounting with rollers United States maps of theconsolidated mess. issue of nineteen hundred and one and nineteen hundred and two, for delivery to the Senate and House of Representatives, four thousand. _ three hundred and twenty dollars. Rep""- · For repairs of Interior Department and Pension buildings, and of the old Post-Office Department building, three thousand dollars. P“‘°”‘°”‘°°· PATENT OFFICE. °‘“°*“* "“’°"°· For producing the Official Gazette, including weekly, monthlv, quarterly, and annual indexes therefor, exclusive of expired patents, for the tiscal year nineteen hundred and three, five thousand one hundred and seventy-four dollars and ninety-four cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting oflieers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for "OtHcial Gazette, Patent
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