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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1180

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FIFTY-EIGHTH cosonsss. sm. 111. cn. 1481. 1905. 1095 gng other necessary and incidental expenses, six hundred thousand 0 ars. v Coxrixorzxr, NAVY: For all emergenciesandextraordinary expenses, °°“°"’°'"“ exclusive of personal services in the Navy Department, or any of its subordinate bureaus or the offices at Washin ton, District of Columbia, ' arising at home or abroad, but impossible to Tre anticipated or classified, to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, and for such urposes as he may deem proper, sixty-five thousand dollars: lbmvfegd, That the accounting officers of the Treasury mms: are hereby authorized and directed to allow, in the settlement of the §Q’,}d°,§‘,§Q§s*§§f,sl“ if accounts of disbursing officers involved, payments made under the appropriation "Contingent, Navy," to civilian employees appointed by the Navy Department for duty in and servin at naval stations maintained in the island possessions during the écal year nineteen hundred and six. norman or mvrenrox. u0]ifir°°° °f Nm"` TRANSPORTATION, macnurrixo, AND ooxzr1Ne1aN*r: Trans rtation: T"‘"’°"°"°"‘ For the transportation of enlisted men and apprentices atIh?:•me and abroad, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof, transportation to their homes, if residents of the United States, of enlisted men and apprentices discharged on medical survey, with subsistence and transfers en route or cash in lieu thereof; transportation to the places of enlistment, if residents of the United States, `of enlisted men and a prentices discharged on account of expiration of _ enlistment, with subsistence and transfers en route or cash in lieu thereof; transportation of.sick or insane enlisted persons to hospital, with subsistence and transfers en route or cash in lieu thereof; apprehension and delivery of deserters and stragglers, and for railway guides and other expenses incident to transportation, three hundred and eighty thousand dollars. _ Recruiting: Expenses of recruiting for the naval service; rent of B°°"'"°“" rendezvous and ex enses of maintainin the same; advertising for and obtaining men andp apprentices, and ad other expenses attending the recruiting of the naval service., including actual and necessary expenses in lieu of milea e to officers on duty with traveling recruiting parties, ninety thousang one hundred and forty-one dollars. Contingent: Advertising, telegraphing on public business, postage °°“"“"“°· on letters sent abroad, ferriage, ice, CODblIll10llS-S€l.‘Vl00 certilicates, discharges, good-conduct badges, and medals for men and boys; transportation of etfects of deceased officers and enlisted men of the Navy; books for training ap rentices and landsmen; maintenance of gunnery and other training classes; packing boxes andmaterials, and other contingent expenses and emergencies arising under cognizance of the Bureau of Navi tion, unforeseen and impossible to c assify, twenty- five thousand dolllars. Gvxxi-mr rzxrmoismsz Prizes, trophies, and badges for excellence ““°“°">’ °‘°"°*°°’— in gunnery exercises and target practice; for the establishment and maintenance of shooting galleries, target houses, targets and ranges; for hiring established ranges, and for transportation of men and equipment to and from ranges, one hundred an twenty thousand dollars. Ourrirs ox rmsr ENLISTMBNT1 Outfits for all enlisted men and 0¤¤i¤¤- apprenticcs of the Navy on first enlistment, twelve thousand six hundred men and apprentices, at forty-five dollars each, five hundred and sixtv-seven thousand dollars. Maisriaxaxcn or conmmzsz Pay transportation, shipping, and ,,é*1!s¤i¤*¢¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f¤<>1- subsistence of civilian officers an crews of naval colliers, and all l expenses connected with naval colliers employed in emergencies which can not be paid from other appropriations, three hundred and ninety- three thousand and eighty-four dollars.