1094 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. sm. 111. cH. 1481. 1905. ,,_§1’f"*“ "*’i¤i¤g *’°"·‘ NAVAL TRAINING STATION, CALIronNIA:_ Maintenance of naval train- Yexmnuemismnd, ing station, Yerba Buena Island, California, namely: Labor and matec°]' rial; buildings and wharves; general care, repairs, and improvements of grounds, buildings, and wharves; wharfage, ferriage, and street-car fare; purchase and maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, and tools, and repairs to same; fire engines an extinguishers; boats and gymnastic implements; models and other articles needed in instruction of apprentices; printing outfit and materials, and maintenance of same; heating, lighting, and furniture; stationery, books, and periodicals; fresh water, ice, and washin ; expressage; packing boxes and materials; postage and telegraphing; telep ones, and all other contingent expenses, fifty thousand ollars. mggegee H·¤b<¤ is NAVAL TRAINING STATION, RHODE IsLANn: Maintenance of naval '` training station, Coasters Harbor Island, Rhode Island, namely: Labor and material; buildings and wharves; dredging channels; extendin sea wall; repairs to causeway and sea wall; general care, repairs, and improvements of grounds, buildings, and wharves; wharfage, ferriage, an street-car fare; purchase and maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, and tools, and re irs to same; fire engines and extinguishers; boats and gymnastic impfdaments; models and other articles needed in instruction of a prentices; rinting outfit and materials, and maintenance of same; lheating, lighting, and furniture; stationery, books, and periodicals; fresh water, ice, and_washing; expressage; packing boxes and materials; postage and _ telegraphing; telephones, and all other contingent expenses; lectures and suitable entertainments for apprentices, one thousand dollars; in all, sixty-one thousand dollars. . R§¤V¤1 WM C<>¤¤H€· NAVAL WAR COLLEGE, R110D1c IsLAND: For maintenance of the `Naval War College on Coasters Harbor Island, and care of grounds for same, twelve thousand three hundred dollars; one draftsman, at one thousand two hundred dollars per year; services of a lecturer on international law, one thousand dollars; services of civilian lecturers rendered at the \Var Colle e, six hundred dollars; purchase of books of reference, four hundrecl dollars; one librarian, one thousand four hundred dollars per year; in all, sixteen thousand nine hundred dollars. dcifegg *i{g¤¤¤.P1¤i1¤· NAVAL Horam, PHILADELPHIA, P1·:NNsr1.vAN1A: One superintendent p` of grounds, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one steward, at four hundred and eighty dollars; one matron, at four hundred and twenty dollars; one beneliciaries’ attendant, at two hundred and forty dollars; one chief cook, at three hundred and sixty dollars; one assistant cook, at two hundred and forty dollars: one assistant cook, at one hundred and eighty dollars; one chief laundress, at one hundred and ninety-two dollars; five laundresscs, at one hundred and sixty-eight dollars each; four scrubbers, at one hundred and sixty-eight dollars each: one head waitress, at one hundred and ninety-two dollars; eight waitresses, at one hundred and sixty-eight dollars each: one kitchen servant, at two hundred dollars; eight laborers, at two hundred and forty dollars each; o·ne stable keeper and driver, at three hundred and sixty dollars; one master at arms, at four hundred and eighty dollars; two house corporals, at three hundred dollars_each; one barber, at three hundred and sixty dollars; one carpenter, at eight hundred and forty-tive dollars; one painter, at eight hundred and forty—1ive dollars; one engineer for elevator and machinery, six hundred dollars; three laborers, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; three laborers, at three hundred dollars each; total for employees, fourteen thousand and seventy dollars. Miscellaneous: lVater rent and lighting, two thousand one hundred dollars; cemetery, burial expenses, and headstones, four hundred and fifty dollars; improvement of grounds, seven hundred and eighty dollars; repairs to buildings, boilers, furnaces, and furniture. eight thousand do lars: music in chapel. six hundred dollars; transportation of
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