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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1182

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1481. 1905. 1095 indigent and destitute beneficiaries to the Naval Home, one hundred dollars; support of beneficiaries, fifty thousand seven hundred and twenty-five ollars; total miscellaneous, sixt -two thousand seven hundred and fifty-five dollars; in all, for Naval llome, sevent -six thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars, which sum shall he paid out of the income from the nava pension fund. BUREAU or oR1>NANoE. B“*°¤“°*°“*¤¤¤°°· ORDNANCE AND oamunon STORES} For rocurin roducin re- °'°¤¤¤°° wd °*d· serving, and handling ordnance material; fdr the argmsment ofgdhrips; mmm mm for fuel, material, and labor to be used in the general work of the Ordnance Dedpartment; for watchmen at magazines, powder factories, and powder epots; for furniture in ordnance buildings at navv-yards and stations; for maintenance of the provin round and powder factory, and for target practice, three million chmllars. ` Purchase and manufacture of smokeless powder, five hundred thou- S¤=¤k¤1¤¤¤v<>w·i¤¢- sand dollars. · Tools, such as milling machines, planer, burnisher, band saw, wood- {f,‘},‘Q,'f,'§,°},“§§,;,§· H· turning lathe, grindstone, and so forth, at navy-yard, Portsmouth, New — . ` Hafmpshfre, five theéusandl dollars. h h rave in cranes or or nance mac ines o at nav - ard New York, N"' Y°’k· six thousaxgd three hundred dollars. P y y 7 Tmeling mmm Navy-yard, \Vashing·t0n, District of Columbia, namely: New and Y:f3°}*,*¤g’°°¤ New improved machinery for existing shops, one hundred thousand dollars; miminéry. em. the third—fourth boilers and installation of same, fiftylthousand dollars; new locomotive, eight thousand dollars; in all, one undred and fifty- eiglnt thousand dollars. ESERVE ronrnnoms AND arrnuncns: For the purchase of reserve W}¤¤°"° *°¤’l>¢d<>¢¤· torpedoes and appliances, one hundred thousand dollars.` RESERVE ecxs FOR Acximanr cRU1sERs: Toward the armament of ,,,§§,§‘;'j:,”¤}:¤· *“¤· modern guns for auxiliary cruisers mentioned in the Act approved v¤l.2<s,p.s14. I\Iarch third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and in section four of V<>l.27. v. 28. the Act approved May tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, fifty thousand dollars. · - Rnsnavn cuss mu smrs or Tm: NAVY: Purchase and manufacture ,,h§‘,f°“'*’ ¤“’“ "" of reserve guns for ships of the Navy, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Tonraoo snrxoiv, NE\Vl’0RT, Rnom: Isaasn: For labor, material, NQQ!{,¥g‘{.§'_°R‘f§f"""‘· freight and express charges; general care of and repairs to rounds, buildings, and wharves; boats, instruction, instruments, t00E;, furnitlure. experiments, and general torpedo outiits, sixty-tive thousand ollars. Anmxu Asn nomrrmu Nara:. Mrmrrui: Forarms,ac¢·outerm`ents, m§;§“,§g’ll*‘*°·°*l"‘l* signal outfits, boats and their equi ment, repairs to vessels loaned to ' States in accordance with law, and) the printing or purchase of the necessary books of instruction for the Naval Militia of the various States, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe. sixty thousand dollars. R1~:1·ArRs, BUREAU or ORDNANCE: For necessary repairs to ordnance Rewim buildings, magazines. gun parks, boats, lighters, wharves, machinery, and other items of like character, thirty thousand dollars, and no other fund appropriated by this Act shall be used in payment for such service. NIISCELLANEOCS, BUREAU OF ORDNANCE: For miscellaneous items, Miscellaneous. namely: Advertising, cartage and express charges, expenses of light and water at magazines an stations: tolls, ferriage. forei n postage, and telegrams to and from the Bureau, technical books, and incidental expenses attending inspection of ordnance material, twenty-five thousand dollars.