1].20 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. '1`h¤¤°°R"°’·C°¤”- Improving Thames River, Connecticut: Completing improvement, thirty-four thousand one hundred dollars. c0Q3}*¤°°**°“' m'°'» Improving Connecticut River below Hartford, Connecticut: Con- ` tinuing improvement and for maintenance, forty thousand dollars. c°Eg”¤°°°”*° m"°'· Improving Housatonic River, Connecticut: Continuing improve- ' ment and for maintenance. ten thousand dollars. §,*;'uQ§'°¤· mm- Improving channel from New Haven Harbor, via Oyster Point and ` Kimberly Avenue Bridge, in West River, Connecticut, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seventy- three, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session: Completing improvement, thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. Port Chew. N- Y-Improving harbor at Port Chester, New York: For maintenance, three thousand dollars. M’““’“°“°°k· N·Y· Im rovin harbor at Mamaroneck, New York: For maintenance, two thousanfd dollars. — _ I*"°’“"°“‘· N- Y- Improving harbor at Larchmont, New York: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. a. §J;’°¥‘,:{·§·YI;m Improving harbor at Echo Bay, New York: The Secretary of War · rock. is hereby authorized to cause an examination to be made of Long rock, near the entrance to Echo Bay, and if the interests of commerce _ demand, he may in his discretion, cause the removal of such rock, and any amount heretofore appro riated for Echo Bay improvement, and now unexpended, mag be used for such removal. ,hf,*,,g'l}Q,{,z '{,‘f,f,f(§‘ Improving arbors at ort J eiferson, Mattituck, Huntington, Glen- N- Y-cove, Flushing Bay, Canarsie'Bay, and Sag Harbor, New York: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars. Nf*{·f’“‘ S°‘"h Bw Improving Great South Bay, New York: For maintenance, two thousand dollars. _ S¤¤z¤¤i¢¤.N-Y- Improving harbor at Saugerties, New York: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, five thousand dollars, and the Chief of Engineers may, upon application, permit the extension of the channel _ from the point at which the present project terminates up to a point fI’,§{,“f‘°· six hundred feet below the dam in Esopus Creek: 1’¢·0v2`ded, That the plan of improvement shall be first submitted to the said Chief of Engineers and alpproved by him, and no part of this appropriation shall be ex nded therefor. g,§j"‘§l°{!f ““d P°°"" liiiproving harbors at Rondout and Peekskill, New York: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, seventeen thousand jive hundre do lars, of which amount fifteen thousand dollars shall be expended upon the harbor at Rondout. - N"' Y°"‘ H°'**°'· Improving New York Harbor: For maintenance, seventy-tive thousand ollars. . Nmh R*'·'°*·N- Y- Removal of obstruction in North River, New York: The Secretary of lVar may cause to be removed the rock or obstruction in North River, New York Harbor, near pier numbered one, to a depth of forty feet at mean low tide; and for such removal he is hereby authorized to divert a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars from the amounts heretofore appropriated or authorized for the improvement of Ambrose channel in said harbor, in addition to the amounts heretofore diverted or appropriated for such removal. _ B“““l°· KY- Improving harbor at Buffalo, New York: For maintenance, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. N?{'f°" R°°k H“"’°’· Improving Black Rock Harbor and channel, New York: For improvement in accordance with the report contained in House Document Numbered Four hundred and twenty-eight, Fifty-eighth Congress. sec- §Q‘;§*;’c‘:S_ ond session, one hundred thousand dollars: P/’O2'i.(]€(], That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of \Var for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute such project, to
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1207