FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1121 be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate six hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the sum herein appro riated: Provided further, That no portion B¤1‘8¢ ¤>·¤¤1- of the amount herein provided shall he expended until the Secretary of War shall have satisfactory assurance of the construction of the _ barge canal projected b the State of New York: Andpvvwidedfzerthw, That the Secretary of {Var shall report as to whether any portion of Repertthe expense of the improvement proposed by said House document ought in ecguity to be borne by the abutting owners of the property along whic such improvements are to be made, in consideration of any special benefits derived by such property owners through such improvements. mproving harbor at Charlotte, New York: Continuing improve- °¤•¤1°*°°·N·Y- ment and for maintenance, eighty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Litthe Sodus Bay, New York: Continuing NL{!*l° S°d“¤ W- improvement and for maintenance, thirty thousand dollars.` _ mproving harbor at Oswe o, New York: Continuing improvement °""*°· Nl and for maintenance in accoréance with plan " b," page six, of House Document Numbered Fifty-five, F ifty-eighth Congress, second session, one hundred thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Ca e Vincent, New York: Continuing improve- 0**1* Vi¤¤¢¤*· N·Y- ment, thirty thousand dollirrs. Improving harbor at Ogdensburg, New York: For maintenance, 08¤¤¤¤b¤¤‘¤· N·Y· ifteen thousand dollars. _ Imm·ovi1;g8Arthur Kill, and the waters connecting Raritan Bay with mm Km N·Y· New ork rbor, New York, and New Jersey: For maintenance, ten rovin ronx iv an ester ew or : n- 0,,,,,,, c,,"",t thiiii°°dd°u°iz`B' ‘a ts caster cmu Y r Co ¤···-== eve ·· tinuiriig impgovernent and for maintenance, twenty-four thousand five hundred dollars. Improving East River and Hell Gate, New York: Continuing G}§"e"N*f*{°’ '*'“’ Hm im rovement, two hundred thousand dollars. ' iimproving Harlem River, New York: Continuing improvement, H°·’*°”‘ R*'°’· NY- seventy-five thousand dollars. . Improving Newtown Creek, New York: For maintenance, five thou- N°'"°¤ °¤'°°*·N-Y- sand dollars. Improving Browns Creek, New York: Continuing improvement and B’°‘"*°'°°"·N· Y- for maintenance, three thousand dollars. Improving Hudson River, New York: Continuing improvement and ¤“"°°" *“"°"·“·Y· for maintenance, two hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred dollars: Pramided, That of the sum herein appropriated eighty-five Sgjgjbm bm thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may, in the discretion of the Secretarv of War, be expended for the removal of Stonehouse bar, opposite New Baltimore, and not exceeding ten thousand dollars in roviding a channel for access to the harbor at Tarry- town, New Yorili, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty-three, Fifty-sixth Congress. tirst session. The Secretary of \Var is authorized and directed to cause an exami- m§{3¤° Pm ** H" nation to be made of the existing stone pier at Piermont. with a view ` to determining whether the same should be removed in the interest of navigation. Improving Wappinger Creek, New York: Continuing improvement wmnppiuzer Creek. and for maintenance, three thousand dollars.’ ' improving Raritan Bay, New Jersey: For maintenance. fifty thou- R¤rir=mB¤y. N.-T. sand dollars. I _ _ Improving Passaic River. New Jersey: Completing improvement P“°°‘° R“'°'· ’*·-I- and for maintenance, forty thousand dollars. Improving Woodbridgc Creek. New Jersey: Continuing improve- _,"§>·¤·d*>¤d¤¤ Creek ment and for maintenance. six thousand dollars.'"' von xxxm, rr 1——7l
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1208