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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/121

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 190l. 33 Depredations on public timber, protecting public lands, and settle- m;f;m8Qc°’ d°P*¤¤¤· ment of claims for swamp lands and swamp-land indemnity: To meef the expenses of protectiing timber on the public lands. and for the more efficient execution o the laws and rules rclatin to the cutting thereof; of protecting public lands from illegal and graudulent entry or appropriation, and o adj nstintg claims for swamp lands, and indem- _ nity or swamp lands: Provide , That agents an others employed {.`Q§'f§°,,;,,_ un er this appropriation shall be selected b the Secretary of the Interior, and allowed per diem, subject to such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each and actual necessary expenses for trans r- tation, including necessary sleepingcar fares, fifteen thousand dollfrs. · For protection and administration of forest reserves: To supply a` 1"¤r¤¤¢ reservys. deficiency existin in the appropriation for this purpose for the iiscal ° Pm year ended J gne éiirtiethé ianeteen hundred and three, three thousand eight hundre an sixt dollars. · do pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for "Protection of forest reserves/’ for the iiscacl ylgrar nineteen hundred, and three, two hundred and _ sevent —five o s. For `irurnishing transcripts of records and plats, to be expended under mdT;¤¤¤¤¤P*_ of M- the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, four thousand five hundred dollars: Hwided, That copyists emplo ed under this appropria— mom. tion shall be selected by the Secretary of the Iiiterior at a compensation °°"l'°’" of two dollars per day while actually employed, at such times and for such periods as the exigencies of the work maydemand. For e uses of hearings held by order of the Commissioner of the c¤§d°;'i¤8¤ `i¤ i¤¤¤ Generalxgnd Office to determine whether alleged fraudulent entries ` are of that character or have been made in compliance with law, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. or1oLoo1oAL srmvnr. Gwivzicsl Survey. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the a propriation for “Geological Survey," for the fiscal years nineteen hundred and one and nineteen hundred and two, two hundred and seventy-one dollars and nine cents. To provide for the purchase of instruments, ma s, tile cases, and M"¥’“·°‘°· so forth, to replace those destroyed by fire in the building occupied by the United States Geological Survey, on December twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and three, ten thousand two hundred dollars. For continuation of the investigation of the mineral resources of gl?;, mmm_ Alaska, to continue available until close of fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, eighty thousand dollars. For completing the report of the mineral resources of the United £°* m*”°¤* States and for completing a roster of all the mines of the United States, past and present, ten thousand dollars. For anal zing and testing at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition the mg? ftmmeggx coals and lignites of the United States in order to determine their rmime uxpeuuon. fuel values and the most economic method for their utilization for dif- P°"'°’ "‘ m" ferent ur s, under the supervision of the Director of the United _ States `Geoldsical Survey, thirty thousand dollars, to be available until expended: giavided, That all testing machinery and all coal and mmm{m_y_ ggnites to be tested shall be contributed wit out charge to the overnment. INDIAN AFFAIRS- indian Asians To the ex nses of urchasing goods and supplies for the Indian ¤¤=~· servicxgiiiid pay olienecessary employees; advertising, at rates not exceed- mphu in r commercial rates; inspection, and all other expenses conn therewith, and for telegraphing., fifteen thousand dollars. von xxxm, in- 1---3