34 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. To pay amounts found due by th; accoungng oiligers oi the Cuzreasiury on account of the appropriation ““ e o rap in an purc asoo n ian supp1ies," for the iiscal year nineteen hundrec? and two, seventy-eight dollars and sixty cents. C°¤‘*°8°¤°*°'- To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for "Contingencies, Indian Department," inclpding all objects montionpd utpldoiéthii title of appro riation in the ndian appropriation Act or e sca yoar nineteen hundred and four, fifteen thousand dollars. °,‘{?t’;*f°°'°*°dB*“d’ To pay amounts found due by the accounting olzlicers of the Treassummnce. ury on account of the appropriation for "Support of Confederated Bands of Utes: Sulisistencei" for tpe fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, sixty-seven do lars an fifty-t ree cents. §,§;ff,QQ§,€,f“P“Y· That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to pay · Sw1ft and Company the sum of five hundred and thirty dollars and eighty-eight cents, out of the unexlpendod balance of the appropriation for the support and education of ndian‘ pupils at Rapid City, South Dakota, fordnet beef furnished that schoo for the liscal year nineteen undred an t ree. - I¤‘”*%° ¤°h°°l*~ To sup l a deficiency in the appropriation for support of thelndian Moms' mlm splhool atg/llprris, lginnesotla, TSP3Q1Q_ nlscal yearhninpltien hundred and t ree ono thousand seven un r an twenty- vo dollars. S°““* F°· N·I“· To, pay amounts found due by the accounting officors of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for "In ian school, Santa Exe, Naw hldecigcog apr the fiscal ysar rlrmetoen huuidred and three, ‘ t ree un r an irty dollars an oig y—nine con s. . s°"°°“’““‘u“"· To pay amounts found due by the accountin officers of the Treaspry on account of the appropriation for "In<fian school build- Engsk fpir tche fiscal yilelardnuieteen dnmldrted andhtéwo, cgghteen thousand _ _ _ ve un re an oig y dollars an 1r y-oig cen . c§,‘§‘§§,"§‘,‘}§é,,_ F“'° To supply deficiencies in the appropriations for ‘“ Commission, Five Eivgizeél Trébps, fiscal yipars nipetteentlgundied and thrge appl npigteerg un re an our, including a o ]ec men 1one un er is 1 e o appropriation in the Indian appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteorlr hémldred anél four, forty-two thousand seven hundred and forty- ei t dollars an nine cents. !,.’f,‘§,*{‘,’j,§Qé°";f,°¤§’,,,,s_ _ gljown-site commissioners, indian Territory: To pafy all expenses nkénxen. inc1dent to the survey, plattmg, and apprmsement 0 town SICBS in "”°°` {lie Choctaw, _Ch(;cl;:)asaw,tCreel;ff;a.nd Cheirdkee nations, lndllankferriry as require y sec 1ons een an wenty-nine o the ct of gongressdapprgzpd Junedtwentyxighfh, pliglhitexzp hundgeg alnd ninety- _ _ __ samen aory ere o, 1 y thousand dollars. ·,’§,},§*,f{*§g*i3'f· Trac Cnvilized Tr1bes: for the purpose of placing allottees in unrestricted POSSBSSIOD of the1r allotments, fifteen thousand dollars. P°'""°"“‘ mansions. i '°°“,,,· °,g§·0- °‘_°‘"“' For fees and expenses of examining surgeons ( sio f ‘ mm! M pondered withen the fiscal year nineteen hundred Bhd thhde,01li:de1Y1t:}i; imitations an restrictions specified under this titl f at' in the pension appropriation Act for the iiscal ea1?1iinotIdh?h0lli1l‘h§ili(dd _ Y and three, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. mg.‘g,Q‘{_$‘§‘§§jf°“‘ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. I Secrecmsomce. Orrrcn or run Sncnnunr: For such umber f l ks f las { ,;$y°l§;,lh°““l °'“' clerks of class three, clerks of class twollclerks of (clislss dim? clgrlgsuiit the rate of one thousand dollars each per annum, clerks at the rate of pilupdrlggngrsdtdvcglam (eaph per apnum, clerks at the rate of seven n n y o lars oac r annum messeta t messengers, and for the services oiusuch other persdlgsirst dsiiisle gr compensation not exceeding one thousand dollars each per annum, as
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