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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1210

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II1. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1123 thpusand three hundred and sixt -5ve dollars; and the Secretary of ll ar may, in_his discretion, modify the plan of improvement recommended in said I·House document, by the substitution of a cut-of from the mouth of Mill Creek to the bend above Brick Store Landing in lieu of the lower cut-off: Provided, That such modification shall not increase Provisoc. the total cost estimated for the completion of such improvement: mmi"° °°°t’ Provided further, That no part of said amount shall be ex nded until Titlea satisfactory title to the land required for crosscuts and otmr portions gf this improvement shall be obtained without expense to the United tates. Improving harbors at Rockhall, Queenstown, Claiborne, and Cam- Chwwko Bar. bridge; and Chester, Choptank, Warwick, Pocomoke, La Trap , and Miiimemsum. Manokin rivers, and Tyaskin (Weti nin) Creek, Maryland? east shore: Continuing improvement ancixl for maintenance, forty-four thousand dollars. Improving Breton Bay, Maryland: Continuing improvement, six B¤¤*·¤¤ B•w·Mdthefusand dollaps. R h I m rovin atapsco iver and c anne to Baltimore, Mar land: P¤¤*P¤<¤> BlV¤*·M¤!- Contfhuing improvement in accordance with the revised estimatds sub- miiigiuel t° Bm} mitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and eighty-six, F ift —seventh Congress, second session, and for maintenance, two hundredvand fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one million dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated: Provided fuxrther, That the Secretary of dg¤gf°*¤°° ¤¤“<>¤¤ lVar may, inhis scretion, expend said amountin obtaining anincreased p ` gniform depth from the city of Baltimore to deep water beyond York it. plpiproving Elk River, Maryland: For maintenance, two thousand Elk m"°’·M¤· dollars. Improving Susquehanna River, above and below Havre de Grace, nb§,‘$;1,'g;Qg;*g:G§{;g¤ Maryland: Continuin improvement, ten thousand dollars. im. ’ Improving Nanticoke River, Delaware and Maryland: Continuing Dg**§,Q'j‘Q}g Rivet improvement and for maintenance, two thousand dollars.` ` Improving Wicomico River, Maryland: Continuing improvement "`*°°“‘*°°R"'°*·>ldand for maintenance, five thousand dollars. Improving Potomac River at Washington, District of Columbia, by w£y_};;*::_·‘D1}jvormaintenance of existing channels, for the purpose of navigation, fiftyg' ' thousand dollars., __ Improving Potomac River below Washington, District of Columbia: l,,},"{{·§§2{§}},,f}}},§'Dl·}$j For maintenance, ten thousand dollars. Improving Norfolk Harbor and its approaches, Virginia: Continuing N¤¤l~·l*· V¤·· improvcment and for maintenance, forty thousand dollars, of whic aniount twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, muy, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be expended for the removal of Pinners Point. Improving harbor at Cape Charles City, Virginia:. Continuing ,.,f“l’° C*‘“’l°’ C“F· im roveinent and for maintenance, twenty-tive thousand dollars. _ iinproving York, Occoquan. Mattaponi, and Pamunkey rivers, and M}'§§,]‘,;,,Q;`f°‘Q‘{‘Q; (`nrters Creek. Virginia: Continuing improvement and for mainte- riv¤r¤.V¤- nance, twentveight thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ Improving Nomini Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement, four *°‘“‘“‘°"’°"· "· thefusand dollggs. h k R_ \ L t R IPI wwwa k m rovin r a annoc wer., Iirvinia: `on inuin im rovement -.‘ 3Q_ ` and for iiiaihtendiiilb. forty thousand dollars; and the Segretaliy of \Var RMI, \ may cause a survey of said river to be made at and below Fredericksburg with a view to determining whether any change should be made in the existing plans for improvement. In case any modiiication shall