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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1211

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1124 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1-182. 1905. be deemed advisable the amount herein appropriated may be expended . gag-;. mt upon the project as modified: Provided, Ihat the total cost shall not ° umexceed the amount estimated for the completion of the existing project. thimproivilngl Urbana Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement, ten ousan dollars. J¤¤¤¢¤ Riv¤r.V¤- Improving James River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, two hundred thousand dollars, of which fifty_ thousand dollars shall be expended in the construction of a turnin basin in accordance with the pro]ect submitted in House Document Ilumbered Two hundred and thirty-fonr, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session, the cost to complete the same not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. vpvpcmmvx River. Iilnpriiving Appomatox River, Virginia: For maintenance, ten thou- ' san dollars. P¤s¤¤ Riv¢r.V¤- _Improving Pagan River, Virginia: The Secretary of War may, in his discretion, expend the balance remaining to the credit of said _ improvement, wit a view to securing a channel width of not less than my feet and such depth as may be obtained without exceeding said noe. . mw tyvfsmwm Improving! Iliittxle Kanawha River, West Virginia: For maintenance, ’one thousand dollars. Improving Little Kanawha River, West Virginia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and nine, Fifty-eighth Con;-gress, second session, one hundred and giopgoé Kanawha sixty-three thousand dollars: ovided, That no part of said amount N,,,;,,,,,,, c,,,,,,,_,,,_ shal expended unless the franchises and improvements in said river belonging to the Little Kanawha Navigation Company can be purchased, and a complete and satisfactory title vested in the United States, at a cost not exceeding seventy-Eve thousand dollars, to be paid from the amount herein appro riate . ¤¢¤¤f<>r¢.N-0- t Iniprovingl gafpor at Beaufbrt, North Carolina: For maintenance, wo thousand o rs. · B¤¤¤f¤¤1¤1¤r.N-0- Improving Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Five hundred and sixty-three, Fiftyeighth Congress, second session, with a view to securing a channel twenty feet deep, forty-five thousand dollars. wlgggsfgllgggsaufg Improving? inland waterwgy from Norfolk Harbor, Virginia, to the nm, soun s of orth Carolina: or maintenance three thousand dollars. _ Imsroving inland water route from Norfolk, Virginia, to Albemarle Soun , North Carolina, through Currituck Sound: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, twenty-two thousand dollars. a0¤¤t¤ex1m,N.c. mproving Roanoke River, North Carolina`: Continuing improve- _ _ ment, ten thousand dollars. ‘ Nf’gf¤“*¤*°¤° K"'"- _ Improving Perquimans River, North Carolina, at and near Hertford, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and two, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session: Com- _ pleting improvement, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. NPg'}PP°¤°¤8R*'°’· _ Improving Scuppernong River, North Carolina: Completing _ imlprovement and for maintenance, five thousand dollars. d§:;jl§j>C_*¤d Tu _ mproving Pamhco and Tar rivers, North Carolina: Completing improvement and for maintenance, eight thousand dollars. Ncgiuenmm crm, th mpro;iinglContentnia Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, one ousan dollars. ni? and hem _ Improving Neuse and Trent rivers, North Carolina: Continuing " ‘improvement and for maintenance, forty thousand dollars. 1’ishingCreek,X.C. nipzoviplg gishfiaglfreek, North Carolina.: Continuing I!11pl'0V€- ment, ve un re dollars. new mvesx. c. _ Improving New River. North Carolina: The Secretary of IVar mav, in his discretion, expend the balance of funds now available to the credit of this improvement. or so much thereof as may be necessarv, in rebuilding the dike heretofore constructed in connection therewitl:.