F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1129 Iénprciviiig harbor at Biloxi, Mississippi: For maintenance, nine thou- B“°‘l· Mmsan dollars. Improving Horn Island Pass, Mississippi, with a view to obtainin MQ'" Ismd Pma channel twenty-one feet in depth and three hundred feet in width cnmmei. across the outer bar, two hundred feet wide elsewhere, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Five hundred and six, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, forty thousand ` four hundred and eighty dollars: Provided, That a contract or con- PWM0- tracts can be made at a sum not to exceed the unit price of eleven G011mm' gengs per cubic yard, or such work can be performed by~Government re ge. Improving Pascagoula River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement ,,};§¤°°¥°“l° R“°’· and for maintenance, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.` Improving Pascagoula and Leaf rivers, Mississip i: For mainte- ,i$3;i°§B§?°°dLm nance, twelve thousand dollars: Provided, That two diousand dollars gggeggha mm · og said ai}nour,;tBmay be expended on the Chickasahay River between Y ` t e mout an ucatunna. Improving Pearl River, Mississippi, below Rockport: Continuing bel§$i;0l;i::§;t_Ml”" improvement and for maintenance, seven thousand dollars. ‘ Improving Pearl River, Mississip i, between Edinburg and Jackson: ,¤]f,“jf,'(f,fQO¤E,‘§}£;’“‘¤ For maintenance, four thousand dollars. X N i Improygigl Homochitto River, Mississippi: For maintenance, two Mf;f“‘°°““‘° Ri"'- . thousan dollars. Imyfaroving Yazoo, Tallahatchie,Coldwater, and Big Sunflower rivers, m°;'°°· °“'·· "“’°‘“· and chula Lake,iMipsis?ppi: Clontinugng ipiprovement and for maintenance, one hun re an five thousand dollars. Improving the mouth and passes of Calcasieu River, Louisiana: Cou— °"°°““*°“ R“'°'· “· tinluing improvement and or maintenance, one hundred thousand do lars. Improving Bayou Plaquemine, Grand River, and Pigeon Bayous, 8,§°§_‘},‘f Pl“‘¤“°'“*“°· Louisiana: For maintenance, thirty-five thousand dollars: Ivovéded, é’?¤vi=¤>· That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of °°m°°°' VVar for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the improvement in Bayou Plaquemine, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts heretofore a ‘> ro riated. lhuplioving Bayou Teche, Louisiana: For maintenance, seven thou- B“’°“ T"°“°·L"· sand five hundred dollars, and the Secretary of \Var shall cause a resurvey to be made of the project submitted in House Document Numbered Sixty-nine, Fifty-fifth Congress, first session. Improving Chefuncte River, Bogue Falia, Tickfaw River and tribu- e,gl’f,f,"“°*° R*"°’· taries, also Amite River and Bayou Manchac, Louisiana: For mainte—` . nance, six thousand five hundred dollars. Improving the channel, bay, and passes of Bayou Vermilion, and e,g**>,f:* V°*¤*l“°¤· Mermentau River and tributaries, Louisiana: For maintenance, three` thousand dollars. For the removal of the water hyacinth from the navigable waters ,,,,'ff’°” "“‘l l-°“l’*‘ in the States of Texas and Louisiana, so far as it is or may become an h£<gg;H;¤¤1 of water obstruction to navigation. forty thousand dollars. ‘°` _` . Improving Red River in the States of Louisiana, Arkansas, and T€§'fl£,§‘}Q,§a;*’k·· 'l`cxas and Indian Territory: For continuing improvement and for _ maintenance. two hundred thousand dollars: ]’r¢n·/¢Zer/, That of this {,’f,‘{Q§,‘j·*·,md Dem amonmt one hundred thousand dollars may be expended between Ful- wm ton, Arkansas, and Denison, Texas: Pro2v`ded f3u·¢/aer. That of the d§f“,‘;Q°l“"““"”“‘ amount herein appropriated for improvement below Fulton fifteen thousand dollars may, in the discretion of the Secretary of _ \Var, be spent in the improvement of the channel at Alexandria. Louisiana.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1216