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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1215

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1128 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srzss. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. feet, the said channel to have a clear bottom width throughout of one _ hundred feet, with appropriate side slopes. M°"“° B“· *1* Improving Mobile Tar, Alabama. with a view to deepening and _ widening the channel near Fort Morgan, fifty thousand dollars. §f.’;“,,§;,g§‘{l,‘§}‘§;,,y That Louis M. Tisdale, his heirs or assigns, be, and is hereby, granted for ship canal. the right of way through the waters of the United States, to enable d;f¤=;vz>;_i¤b:$¤,:1,¤g,f: him, his heirs or assigns, to construct and plperate a ship canal or bnspi;..y,,u., channel from a int on Mon Louis Island, i obile County, State of Alabama, through0Mobile Bay to the deep-water basin in Mobile Bay " between Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines, Alabama, with power and_ authority to construct and maintain all necessary harbors, locks, dams, channel dikes, levees, and piers without expense to the United States: Qgggf; 0, ws, ,0 Prmrlded, That the Secretary of War shall iirst approve the plans for approve plans, em. such canal or channel, and that the same shall in no manner interfere with or affect the usual and ordinary navigation of said waters; and that Mobile Bay or the channel between the same and Mississippi T°u· Sound shall in no way be·thereby closed to navigation: Provided, That, in the transportation of military or naval stores, troops, or munitions · of war of the United States, no toll shall be charged; and that the tolls or tonnage charges by said Louis MI Tisdale, his heirs or assigns, shall be fixed, from time to time, by the Secretary of War: Prmuded, E*°'¤P“°”· That vessels of five tons burden and less shall be exempt from tolls for the use of said canal when they do not pass through the lock; and that no tolls shall be charged on any boats or vessels navigating any of the waters in the said canal or channel which could have been navi~ i gated by such vessels had not such canal been built: Provided further, ¤£f’“° °* °°¤”'¤'“°· That this franchise shall not be effective unless said Louis M. Tisdale, his heirs or assigns, shall in good faith commence such construction within two years from the passage of this Act. and shall complete the Amendmcnc. same within live years. Congress reserves the right to alter, amend or repeal any of the provisions of this Act in so far as it relates to this franc isc. A1¤b·¤¤¤River.A1¤- Improving Alabama River, Alabama: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, one hundred thousand dollars; which amount the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to expend, with a view to obtaining, as nearly as possible, a continuous channel of a depth not less than four feet by open-channel work. Hl§§‘°j§,(lVq.’g':1g,§V; Improving Black Warrior, Warrior, and Tombigbee rivers, Alanvér¤.A1¤. bama, by the construction of locks and dams numbered one and two in the Tombigbee River. and the completion of lock and dam numbered one, in the Tombi bee River near Demopolis, and those numbered two and three in the Wlarrior River next above, one hundred thousand dol-

 lars: Prewided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by

C°°°r°°"` the Secretary of lVar for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the construction of said locks and dams, to be paid for as V appropriations may from time to. time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate seven hundred and eighty-one thousand four hundred and sixty-six dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore mygyégi ¤¤v(;¤_g¤_•ii- appropriated: Pravidedfurther, That the Secretary of War may expend g°’ " a portion of the amount herein appropriated or authorized of not more than forty thousand dollars for theconstruction of a dredge and of not more than thirty thousand dollars for the construction of lock houses iiecessary for the operation of locks and dams in said rivers. frggmggmf gig; lmproving Tombigbee River, Alabama, from the month to Demopmcpens, ais. olis: `or maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars. . From nemspoiis, lm roving Tombigbee River from Demopolis, Alabama, to Columf;& t° c°1°mb"" bus, Mississippi: For maintenance, twelve thousand dollars; of which amount the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, expend a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars for improving said river between Columbus and Walkers Bridge, Mississippi.