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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1218

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1131 four or six months’ navigation can be secured to Waco at a reasonable cost by any method other than by locks and dams, and if not the least number of locks and dams that will furnish such navigation, and in the event it should appear feasible to secure four or six months’ navigation by open—channel work or b · not to exceed nine locks and dams the Secretary of War may expend for the improvement of said river Maximum expendian amount not to exceed seventy-five thousand dollars, which amount “"°‘ under the conditions named is hereb appropriated. Improving Trinity River, Texas: The balance now available for the T’““‘Y R"’°"· T°x· construction of locks and dams between the mouth of the river and section one is hereby diverted from said purpose and made available for the construction of locks and dams numbered one, four, and six in section one, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Four hundred and nine, F ifty-sixth Congress, first session: Provided, That the Secretary of War is authorized to enter ggfjfjg · into a contract or contracts for the completion of said locks and dams, ` numbered one, four, and six, to be paid i)or as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the a gregate one hundred and sixty-one thousand two hundred and ei ity-seven dollars, . exclusive of the amount herein diverted and mags available for the said construction: P)'0?)”dd6dftl7'th€7', That none of the amount made R<j,*§;eP*°¤ °¤ ¢*· available herein or authorized to be contracted for herein shall be pm I ` expgnded unless the citizens of Dallas shall pay over to the Secretary of ar the sum of sixty-six thousand dollars, which sum, if paid over shall be a plied to the construction of dams in said section one, at Old River and Parsons Slough, for the easing of bends and for the improvement of said section: And provided further, That the Secre- *4*** °“**•*¤¤¤- tary of War may, in his discretion, construct locks and dams numbered two or three or five instead of number four, should he determine that navigation would be better subserved thereby. Improving mouths of Sabine and Neches rivers, Texas, in accord- d§:l’Q“§,§"l N“"°“ ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six Imnwvinz mouth. hundred and thirty-four, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, by connecting the same with Taylors Bayou. or a point in Sabine Lake near to the mouth of said bayou. by a channel at or near the west shore of Sabine Lake; the Secretary of \Var may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the said roject, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be mad)e by law, not to exceed in t ie aggregate four hundred and eleven thousand five hundred dollars, exclusive of the amounts heretofore appropriated: 1’z·o•·a'dw¢l, That the channel may, in the dis· gfQ,‘{f;i_ cretion of the Secretary of War, be constructed through the land near the lake for any part of said route: 1*roav`de¢l fin·t}eer, That the right Blame! war. of way is furnished without expense to the United States. Cypress Bayou, Texas: The available balance on hand may, in the °"l"`°"°“"""·T‘*‘· discretion of the Secretary of W'ar, be expended in cleaning and clearing the bayou and lakes between Jefferson, Texas, and Mooringsport, Louisiana. And the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to ¤¤¤‘¤v· survey Cypress Bayou and the channels connecting Shreveport. Louisiana, with Jetferson, Texas. including an examination of the falls near Little Pass. Improving Ouachita and Black rivers, Arkansas and Louisiana: dg1g02E ·${,BIi§¤k Continuing improvement and for maintenance. eighty thousand dol- "` lnrs: l’;-uz-id»»:Z, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract {gg2Q6u or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to com- ` plete the locks and dams in the Ouachita River. to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggre te forty thousand three hundred and twelve dollars, exclusive of me amounts herein and heretofore appropriated.