1132 Firrrizionrri oononnss. sm. III. on. 1482. 1905. A$·(’k“”s” RM'- Improving Arkansas River, Arkansas: For maintenance, thirty-five ` thousand dollars. §gSa§*s'k L"€°· For repair of revetment work and bank protection in the vicinity I of Red Fork Levee, Arkansas River, thirty thousand dollars, provided it is required in the interest of navigation. W"“° Ri"°'··*’k· Igiprpving White River, Arkansas: For maintenance, fifteen thousan do lars. A}Q’*"" ‘Vi‘“° R""’· Improving Upper White River, Arkansas: Continuing improvement 1·<><=k¤¤<1 Dum- by the construction of Lock and Dam Numbered Three, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of War shall cause an examination to be made by a board of en ineers to report upon the · l desirability of the construction of further lbcks and dams in said river. C“°“° R“"‘°"· *“k· d Ipiproving Cache River, Arkansas: For maintenance, two thousand o ars. nggéliiiilllligxuielgit Improving Blalpk andhCurre3tdrixl:zrs, Arkansas and Missouri: For . . maintenance, eig teen thousand o rs. · zsélgguliiigclhvziil Improving Saiplt Franézig End L’Anguille rivers, Arkansas: For 3 maintenance, six thousand dollars. ‘ negilhgeisliehilked Imprciying Cbion aing Isiorked Deer rivers, Tennessee: _For mainte- , nance, t ree thousand ol ars. ` ggiriivmrmixgsilllvliiéj Improving Cumlberlamé gtiyer, Tennessee, below Nashville: For ““‘· maintenance, ten thousand dollars. 1—éi1t§?Y$¤a1]§;fhvm°’ Improvin Cumberland River, Tennessee and Kentucky, above Nashville: Igor maintenance, ten thousand dollars, and for completion of lock and dam numbered two above Nashville, forty thousand dollars, and the balance on hand to the credit of the Cumberland River above Nashville for general improvement and for locks Numbered five, Six, and seven shall be applied upon the construction of said lock and am. ` 21l“°°k_°Dd Dm NO' For the construction of Lock and Dam Numbered Twenty-one in §,§'g‘{'f,f_§,S_ said river, seventy-four thousand dollars: Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the said lock and dam, to be paid for as appxropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred thousand dollars, me of www exclusive of the amounts herein an heretofore gppropriatedz Provided ‘ fimther, That the balance remaining to the cr it o the Cumberland . River on any project therein above said lock and dam numbered Cumberland River twenty-one s al be made applicable for the construction thereof. Improvement com- Improvilrg the upper Cumberland and South Fork rivers, above PQQQ,. mmmcmcks Burnside, entucky: The Cumberland River Improvement Company, »m<1d`¤m¤¤b¤v¤B¤r¤- a corporation formed and existing under the laws of the State of Ken- ”d°’ Ky' tucky, is authorized and permitted to improve the Cumberland River and its tributaries, including the South Fork, above Burnside, Kentucky, at its own expense, by the construction of necessary locks and dams, under the supervision and pursuant to plans to be submitted to U¤¤<·f1><>w¢=- and approved by the Secretary of Wai·, and the power generated by the construction of such locks and dams may be utilized by such company for commercial and other purposes, under the following express _ provisions: g,,[g[’,§’,l’”""°‘°d ""i' That the use of such power shall in no instance impede or hinder navi tion; $,*,’;§,§’{,l‘{f,",,£‘;,Q’gf§;,,,_ Tia the locks and dams shall be at least equal in size and capacity to other locks and dams constructed on the Cumberland River; That they shall be open to all purposes of navigation by the general TML public, subject to the payment of uniform, reasonable rates of toll by all parties using such waterway, which rates of toll shall be fixed from time to time by the Secretary of War, and shall at no time produce an income greater than six per centum, cumulative interest, on the
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1219