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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1226

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O FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI, Ch. 1482. 1905. 1139 Secretary of War is authorized and directed to cause a survey to be made of the entrance channel to said harbor with a view to obtaining depths of sixteen and eighteen feet, respectivel . mproving harbor at Kewaunee, Wisconsin: Nor maintenance, three K¤w¤¤¤¤e.W1¤· thefusand dollars. mproving Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Shi Canal, Wisconsin Svurzesm Bay md and harbor of refuge connected therewith: The Sgcretary of War id ®,lxi$i¤1ij°°° Emp hereby directed to ascertain and determine whether for the urpose of completing the project submitted in House Document Numrbered One hun red and seventeen, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session, it is necessary to remove, relocate, or change the bridge across Sturgeon Bay at the city of Sturgeon Bay, and if so, whether and to what extent the owners thereof have ac uired vested or other rights in its present location, so as to entitle them to damages by such removal, relocation, orchange, and in case the said Secretary of War shall determine that such removal, relocation, or change_is necessary to complete said project, and that the said owners have acquired vested or other rjlghts in the present location of said bridge, he is hereby authorized an directed to acquire, by condemnation or otherwise, such property as may be necessary, and the sum of fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for that purpose. _ . _ _ _ Improvin harbor at Green Bay, Wisconsin: For maintenance, ten Green B¤y.W1s. thousand dollars. . Improving harbor at Ashland, Wisconsin: For maintenance, sixty Ash1¤¤·1.Wl¤. thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Port Wing, Wisconsin: Completing improve- Pon Wi¤z.Wi¤· ment and for maintenance, nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety- two dollars. Improving Fox River, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, thirty- rox mm, wa. tive thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Grand Marais, Minnesota: For maintenance, emncunmsmun. two thousand dollars. Improvin harbor at Agate Bay, Minnesota: For maintenance, two .ag¤ze1:¤;·.mn¤. thousand dollars. Improving WVarroad Harbor, Warroad River, Minnesota, by dredg· Rg;f¤QH}l*!{¤*b0*¤¤d ing a channel one hundred feet wide and seven feet deep from the " ` inner end of the channel dredged in nineteen hundred and four to the boat landin at Warroad, with a turning channel for boats at the inner harbor, and continuing present improvement, thirty-five thousand dollars. Im rovin harbor at Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin: D¤l¤°¤· M{_¤¤-· ¤¤** Contfiiuing finn rovement and for maintenance, two hundred and sev- Sup"!"' wi" enty thousand dollars: I)f%l-M, That a contract or contracts may; be mm. entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and wor as °°“°’“°”‘ may be necessary to complete said project, to be paid for as appro- A priations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate three hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving Minnesota River, Minnesota, at the mouth: For main- M§,gf¤°’°‘* R*V°*· tenance and dred `ng· channel, three thousand dollars. Red Improving Red'] River of the North, Minnesota and North Dakota: smb_ §§§_ j,’£dt§$ Continuing miprovement and for maintenance, nine thousand dollars. D'*- Improving Saint Croix River, Minnesota and lVisconsin: For main- “§:j]¤ju${<;{2g< Ri*¤¤ tenance, four thousand dollars. _` Improving harbor at Michigan City, Indiana: Continuing 11§1'O\'€- Mi¤¥{*H¤¤ Citvv mement and for maintenance, forty-tive thousand dollars: Bmdd , That mm the Secretary of 'War may, in his discretion, use aniy part of this appropriation or of any approlpriation hereafter made or the maintenance or improvement of said arbor, for the construction of a turning -