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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1225

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1138 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. °““*°¤R**'°’»m°*’· Im roving Clinton River, Michigan: For maintenance, three thousand dollars. tts,';?: $3* R""- Improving Saint Marys River, at the falls, Michigan: Continuing Prowim.improvement, four hundred and twenty thousand do lars: Provided, C°°°"°°”‘ That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary for the prosecution of said roject, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate six hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore . · appropriated. b,§{,“g'h‘;‘{1f,*;,';_”d N°°‘ mproving Hay Lake and Neebish channels, Saint Marys River, Michi n: Continuing improvement, five hundred thousand dollars: g)g¤;i¤v·¤ Providzd, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the '°°Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary for the prosecution of said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore propriated. _ D¤¤<>i¢RMr·M1¤¤· Improving Detroit jlfiver, Michigan: The Secretary of War may ‘ enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute said improvement, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Forty, Fifty-eighth Congress, third session, to be paid for as appropriation may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate four hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts heretofore appropriated. “1g¤g1s;¤;¤j¤+¤ghH¤¤*><¤‘ Menominee Harbor and River, Michigan and Wisconsin: The Secre- ’tary of War is hereby authorized to make such modifications of the existing project as may seem best to save expense and subserve the interests of commerce. K¤¤¢>¤*=¤- Wis- Improving harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, five thousand dollars. R°°*¤°· Wis- Improving harbor at Racine, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, thirty thousand dollars.

  • m*•“*°°»W*¤- Improving harbor at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, including harbor of

refuge: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including the repair and rebuildingi of the breakwater belonging to the harbor of re uge, one hundre and fifty thousand dollars; and the so-called “ Fair Weather" opening in said breakwater shall not be closed except by direction of Congress. Improving said harbor in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and twenty, Fifty-eighth

  • "°*‘i·°*· Congress, second session, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided,

°"““‘°'“· That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and eighty-one dollars, exclusive of "‘°“‘“““"“· the amount herein appropriated: Pmvzded further, That no part of the appropriation herein made shall be expended for the purpose named unless the Secretary of War shall have satisfactory assurance that the city of Milwaukee will comply with the conditions imposed upon said mimicipality as set forth and contained in paragraph twenty-eight of House Document Numbered One hundred and twenty, Fifty-eighth _ Congress, second session. Sl‘°°"”““·w’* Improving harbor at Shebo gan, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- _ ment and for maintenance, eighteen thousand dollars. x°"“°'°°*w"‘ Improving harbor at Manitowoc, Wisconsin: For maintenance, one hundred an ten thousand dollars. . Tw° m'""m°‘ Improving harbor at Two Rivers, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, six thousand six hundred- dollars, and the