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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1228

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1141 dollars may be expended from amounts nov; or hereafter available for this improvement for the pprpose of completin the harbor of refuge on the east shore of Lake epin, Minnesota, auf the Secretary of War may cause an estimate to be made of the cost of securing a channel six feet deep in that portion of the river above described. Improving Mississippi River at Moline, Illinois: In accordance with M°“”°· m- the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred . and ninety-seven, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, one hundred . thousand dollars: Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as _ may be necessary to complete said pro°ect, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceedpin the . aggregate two hundred and eighty-six thousand dollars, exclusive of t e amounts herein appropriated. Improving the Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River w1i.{g';Q{Pg;";},£,¥° to and including the mouth of the Missouri River: The Secretary of Dredzes. ` VVar mag prosecute the improvement of the said section of the Mississippi iver by dredging, as set forth in the report of the Board of Engineers for rivers and harbors, submitted November twelfth, nineteen hundred and three; and the said Secretary of War may urchase or cause to be constructed two dredges, to be employed with tgose now in use in said section for the purpose of dredging; and the said Secretary may, in his discretion, expend a portion of the balance now remaining on hand to the credit of said improvement for the completion of works already under way or for the construction of other works which will be useful in promoting the navigation of said section of the river; and such balance as remains on han , together with the amount authorized to be expended in pursuance of contracts to be made, is hereby made available for the urposes set forth in this item. _ Improving the issippi River from the Head of the Passes to the C§,‘?$i,,€,§*,lQ,*,§i m'°" mont of the Ohio River, includin salaries, clerical, official, traveling wH¤¤¤“:>f f¤6¤ P•¤¤<=¤ and miscellaneous expenses of tge Mississippi River Commission; ii:-iginseii, eff? Continuing improvement, one million dollars, w ich shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War in accordance with the plans, specifications, and recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission as a proved by the Chief of Engineers for the general improvement of the river, for the building of levees, and for surveys, inc uding the surve from the Head of the Passes to the headwaters of the river, in such manner as in their opinion shall best improve navigation and romote the interests of commerce at all stages of the river: PI-ovidedlj That on and after the passage of this Act a contract ggjggw or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such ` materials and work as may be necessary to carry on continuously the plans of the Mississippi River Commission as aforesaid, to be paid or as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two million dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated, which latter amount may be expended during the year beginning July iirst, nineteen hundred and six: Pz·0#vid¢»d_fiu·- Mar. That the money hereby appropriated and authorized to be ex- inecge mms. pencled. in pu rsuance of contracts or otherwise. or so much thereof as may be necessary. shall be ex nded in the construction of suitable and necessary dredge boats and other devices and appliances and in the maintenance and operation of the same, with the view of ultimately obtain- Qhnnnel below ing and maintaining a navigable channel from Cairo down not less than °°"°' two hundred and fifty feet in width and nine feet in depth at all periods of the year, except when navigation is closed by ice: Am! provided fu/·i}m·, That the water courses connected with said river, and the p\,QQ§’£fj,§{f°’ i"' im` harbors upon it, now under the control of the Mississippi River Commission and under improvement, may, in the discretion of said Commission, upon approval by the Chief of Engineers, receive allotments