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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1229

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1142 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. for im rovements now under wa r or hereafter to be undertaken to be _ p _ 5 _ 7 . - paid for from the amounts herein appropriated or authorized. scum rmenannei. Improving Mississippi River, South Pass channel: A contract or C°m”°tS° contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary for the maintenance of said channel, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate fifty thousand dollars, exclusive _ of the amounts heretofore provided by law. °°"“g° R“""· M°· Improving Osage River, Missouri: Continuing improvement and _ for maintenance, eighty thousand dollars. M§°“°°““‘*° R“""’· Ilmproving Gasconade River, Missouri: Continuing improvement . an for maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars. §’,§’j§§§Q§f,{€{j0_ Continuing improvement Missouri River at Saint Joseph, Missouri, and protecting work already done, all new work to conform to the established harbor line, fifty thousand dollars, provided the same is required Cggotggyddoum md- an the pgzereisti of nspfigzltjczrlaz P7·€;{2Ided€lifur£tf¢er,l'I`i{{rt ncgwprkesgrall bg onea _ ain osep un 1 e pu 1C au or1 ies s a con rr u owar deflrgayrnglthe expense of szid vgork an additional fifty thousand dollars, ma ing the sum so contri ute sub`ect to the o er of the Secretary of Vgag in sucg mtalpnercashe may djlreck sic lthetlgiaexpense o§ apy wor one un er e provisions o rs c s a . rne equa y y d the Government and out of the contribution herein provided for. SiE§§"§§‘§fi§$,'§{ ““ Improving Missouri River: General improvement by snagging and · maintenance of open channel work, one hundred and seventy-tive thousand dollars, of which amount ninety thousand dollars may be H°'”’“““· M°· expended between the mouth and Sioux City, Iowa; ten thousand dollars for improvements at Hermann, Missouri, and seventy-five thousand dollars above Sioux Cit , Iowa. Y $8** m°g°·C“l· Improving harbor at San Diego, California: For maintenance, ten thousand dollars. A “`““§i”g*°“· C°`*’· Improving Wilmington Harbor, California: Continuing improvegQQ'f;étS_ ming, one hlpéndrczg thloustagid) dplilarész P;0z•ide¥lhTha; a cplntract Of gonc s may _ en re rn y e ecre ary o ar or e comp e ron of said project, to be pard for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and fift . . Y thousand dcéllars, exclusrve of the amounts herein and heretofore approprrate . ‘ Cf;?“ L“*’ °'°”"’°* Improving harbor at San Luis Obispo, California: Continuing im rovement twenty-five thousand dollars. °“““““· °"*· Fmprovinglharbor at Oakland, California: Continuing improvement · . in accordance with project numbered three of the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and sixty-two, Fifty- sixth Congress, second session, with a view to obtaining a channel _ three hun red feet wide and twenty-tive feet deep from San Francisco (:Q'Qf.’{f_:tS_ Bay to Fallon street, one hundred thousand dollars: P1·0w'ded, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute said improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore Sacramento and apinioprlaicdl , r • · · ymnmm·m,C,n_ mproving Sacramento and Feather rivers, California: The Secretary of WVar may expend the balance remaining to the credit of the Sacramento and Feather rivers, California, and the Sacramento River below Sacramento, California, for the improvement and maintenance of both of said rivers, including snagging, and for such projects as have been heretofore adopted in the Feather River and in the Sacramento Diver, both above and below Sacramento, and for the purposes of Bard improvement and maintenance the Secretary of War may, in