FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. 35 the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may deem to be requisite and necessary in his office and in the Bureaus of Manufactures and Corporations, in addition to the employees transferred from the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, forty-nine thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSESZ For all necessary contingent and miscella— °°¤“¤B'°¤*°*P°¤¤°¤ neous expenses of the office of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, the Bureaus of Manufactures and Corporations, and the bureaus and oflices transferred to the Department of Commerce and Labor, including the purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, books ‘ of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers (not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars), stationery, furniture and repairs to the same, carpets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, s nges, fuel, lighting and heating; for the purchase, exchange, andpdare of horses and vehicles, to be used only for official purposes, and for rent of stable therefor from July fifteenth, nineteen hundred and three, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four; freight and express charges, ostage, telegra h and telephone service, tiypewriters, and adding machines, and al other miscellaneous items an necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, thirty-five thousand dollars. SA1.AmEs AND EXPENSES, SPECIAL AGENTS: For com nsation, to be gg,¤$=eL¤8g¤3,¤· ex fixed b the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, of suchgspecial agents pauses. ` in the Bureau of Corporations, and for per diem, subject to such rules p" m' and regulations as the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding- four dollars per day to each of said special agents while absent from their homes and dmignated head uarters ongluty, and for actual necessary traveling expenses for agents, including 'necessary s eeping-car fares, thirty thonsan dollars. ‘ _ _ Exrnmsms or REGULATING IMMIGRATION; For the salary of Immi— {$f‘§‘F{,,“{‘}§{’,;,,,,,_ grant Inspector WV. H. Wilkinson, for services rendered in the Bureau $¤"i¤¤¤- of Immigration during the period January first to July twenty-second, nineteen hundred and three, while detailed from his official station at Alexandria, Virginia, one thousand and fifteen dollars, chargeable to the permanent appropriation, "Expenses of regulating immigration.” ENFORCEMENT or THYE CHINESE-Excr.UsroN AoT: To prevent unlaw-· °¤i¤¤¤¤ ¢¤¤l¤¤*<>¤· ful entry of Chinese into the United States, by the appointment of suitable officers to enforce the laws in relation thereto, and for expenses of returning to China all Chinese persons found to be unlawfully in the United States, including the cost of imlprisonment and actual expense of conve ance of Chinese persons to the frontier or seaboard for deportation, for the fiscal tyears, as follows: d ger the hscal year nineteen undred and three, twenty-five thousand o ars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, five thousand dollars. For the salary of Chinese Inspector Alfred W. Parker, while detailed $§$,°,{,l{·,§f"‘°’· to and performin service in the Bureau of Immigration in Washington, for the period from April twenty-third to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thr·ee, both inclusive, two hundred and seventy-six dollars. To pay amounts found due by the Auditor for State and other Departments on account of the appropriation for "Enforcement of the Chinese—exclusion Act” for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, five hundred and twenty-nine dollars and seventy-six cents. _ _ _ Frsrr Commission: To meet certain liabilities as set forth in House mh °°"“‘“““'°"· Document Numbered Four hundred and sixty-one, of the present i session, being for the service of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, nine hundred and seventy-two dollars and sixty-one cents. For repairs and improvements to superintendent’s residence, Green G""' L"`"' °‘°‘ Lake station, Maine, seven hundred dollars.
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