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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1230

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1143 his discretion, buy or construct from the amount herein made available-Finogger snag boat. ecretary of War is hereb authorized and directed to a oint S“°F*““°'“°· Sm a board consisting of three engindizrs of the United States ArmIyp(one (dallduber of whom shall have had experience on the Sacramento River and two ¤£$E{_r°m°g (W"` on the Mississippi River) for the purpose of making a general examination of the Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Feather rivers, California, and their tributaries, and of consultingwith any engineers, commissioners, or officers who have been appointed by the State of California to determine a method of controlling the overflow of said rivers and their tributaries, with a view of considering what, if anything, the United States can or should do in conjunction with said State to improve the navigation of said rivers and their tributaries, and the probable cost to the United States of such improvement. . Improving San Joaquin River, California: Continuing improvement C §¤¤ J¤¤¤¤i¤ River. and for maintenance, twenty thousand dollars. L .. Improving Mokelumne River, California: Continuing improvement Clfi¤k¤¤¤¤¤¤ River. and for maintenance, two thousand five hundred dollars. 8 ' Improving Napa River and Petaluma Creek, California: Contin- &1g;j1QjC§*V•{{ sin? Petuing improvement and for maintenance, three thousand dollars. eeit ' Improving Tillamook Bay and bar, Oregon: For maintenance, ten 0;;“**m°°k Bur'- thousand dollars. ` Improving Coquille River, Ore on: Continuing improvement and 0,_‘;°¤“m*> 3*9% for maintenance, fifty-five thousand dollars. g' ” Improving Coos River, Oregon: Such amount as may be necessary C°°”R*"°’· Omgfor the maintenance of this improvement is hereb diverted from the moneys now available _ for the improvement of the entrance to Coos Bay and Harbor, Oregon. _ Improving upper Columbia and Snake rivers, Oregon: Washington, ,,‘f,‘§',{§“"€,F_§§P°:,§g and Idaho: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, twenty-five r1¤¤<>- ' thousand dollars, which may be expended in completing the improvement and for maintenance of the Snake River between Riparra and Lewiston, and between Lewiston and Pittsburg Landing. Improving Columbia River at the Cascades, Oregon: Continuing ,h‘§°(l§§§_§‘g,_R({§§,§_ “' improvement, thirty thousand dollars. Improving Willaniette River above Portland and Yamhill River, 8tXViQgg:,g*g0rt};3‘§*· Oregon: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, fifty thousand " ` dollars. Improving the lower \Villamette and Columbia rivers below Port- h.2.{f{§‘m,‘i$§,,“’{§,§l$‘X, land, Or·egon: Continuing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars: *’<>"l·¤¤<*· - Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Sec- gmiggts retary of \Var for such materials and work as may be necessary to ' prosecute said dproject, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be ma e by law not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. _ Improving the mouth of Columbia River, Oregon and NVashin(gton: O§§,l,}},’§l‘l§·l,'Qhi*‘I°'* Continuing improvement in accordance with the report su bmitte by a board of engineers January twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and three, _ four hundred thousand dollars: ]’rrwz`ded, That a contract or contracts €§,§$Q:{’m_ may he entered into by the Secretary of lVar for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law. not to exceed in the aggregate three hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. _ Improving the Columbia River between the foot of The Dalles Rap- mT§Q°rri?)“ii,ii;5i!2`)*§l,;$ ids and the head of Celilo Falls, Oregon and lYashington: Continuing me "'¤*h· improvement by means of canals and locks in accordance with the modified project submitted by the Board of Engineers appointed pur- I