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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1238

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FIFTY-EIGHTH ooucnsss. sm. III. cn. 1482. 1905. , 1151 Oconee River. from Georgia railroad bridge at Milledgeville, to Central of Georgia railway bri ge at Oconee station, Washington County. Ocmul/gee River, from the city bridge at Fifth street, Macon, to J uhet, 1 onroe County. Brunswick Harbor, inner and outer. Savannah_ Harbor, resurvey, with a view to securing a channel depth of twenty-six feet to the-sea. mano. I¤·¤¤· Clearwater River, with a view to barge navigation. . ILLINOIS. ¤1i¤¤i•· Ohio River, afand near Metropolis. Mississippi River at Hamburg Bay, with a view to preventing the formation of a bar at the mouth of said bay. VVest Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River, with a view to securing a twenty-one foot channel. INDIANA. i¤<1¤¤•· Indiana Harbor, with a view to ascertaining what improvements are required in the channels affording access to said harbor- and for the protection of such channels and harbor. xmvnzcxr. Kentucky. Green River, from Lock Numbered Six to Munfordville. LOUISIANA. · Louisiana. Mermentau River, from its headwaters at the junction of Baylous des Cannes and Nez Pique (including those portions of Lake Art ur, Grand Lake, and lVhite Lake lying directly across its course) to a point in the Gulf of Mexico beyond the bar at its mouth, with a view of securing a permanent channel to a depth of at least twenty feet. Calcasieu Lake and River, from the mouth of Calcasieu Pass to the head of navigation in Calcasieu River. Loursuru AND rnxss. F-¤¤1¤i¤¤•¤¤¤‘r¤x¤¤. Inland waterway from the Rio Grande River, Texas, to a connection with the Mississippi River at Donaldsonville, Louisiana, said examination to be made in sections, as follows: First. From the Rio Grande River to Aransas Pass, including a navigable channel from Corpus Christi through Turtle Cove to Aransas Pass. _ Second. From Aransas Pass to West Galveston Bay Channel at the Brazos River, including a channel from Aransas Pass to Victoria on the Guadalupe River, and to Cuero. Third. From the Brazos River to Sabine Pass. ‘ Fourth. From Sabine Pass to Donaldsonville. A survey and estimate shall be made of the following portions of the aboye waterway, to wit: From Aransas Pass, via Turt e Cove, to Corpus Christi; and from Aransas Pass to and up the Guadalupe River to Victoria, and from Victoria to Cuero. I l MAINE. Mama Cape Porpoise Harbor, with a view to the removal of obstructions at the entrance. »