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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1239

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1152 F1FtrY.E1GH1H coNGR1·:ss. sms. III. cu. 1482. 1905. Portland Harbor, with a view to including Fore River above Port- I land Bridge and the entrance to Back Cove. Long Cove, with a view to the removal of two ledges. North Haven. Hendricks Harbor, with a view to rock removal. Kennebec River, from the mouth to Gardiner. Penobscot River at Bangor. South branch of the Penobscot River at and near Frankfort. Center Harbor, Brooklin, with a view to the construction of a breakwater and removal of ledge. M¤¤’1¤¤d· _ MARYLAND. Crisiield Harbor. Elk River. Wicomico River, from its mouth to Salisbury. Kent Narrows. Tyaskin Creek at and near Tyaskin. Mamaehusetb. mssacunsnns. Beverly Harbor. Kingston Harbor. Mystic River to the upper limits of the city of Somerville. New Bedford and Fair Haven harbors with a view to obtaining additional anchorage grounds and increased depth. r Winthrop Head an Allerton Point, with a view to the necessity of constructing a sea wall to protect navigation. Dorchester Bay and Neponset River. Saugus River. Essex River. Ipswich River. mmm moment. ` ’ Manistee Harbor, with a view to obtaining a uniform depth of eighteen feet. Rogers City, with a view to construction of a harbor of refuge. La e Harbor, with a view to obtaining a harbor of ten feet. River Rouge. 1 Caseville. Pentwater Harbor, with a view to obtaining a depth of sixteen feet. South shore of Lake Superior, in the vicinity of Keweenaw Point, with a view to determining whether a harbor of refuge should be established in that locality. Shipchannel connecting waters of the Great Lakes between Chicago, Dulut , and Buffalo, wit a view to obtaining depths of twenty-two and twenty-five feet, respectively, and sufficient width. Mi¤¤¤¤¤¤· Md Wir mmxnsora up wisconsin. cousin. Saint Croix River. Mi¤¤¤¤¤¤=- . MINNESOTA. Rainy River. Big and Little Fork rivers. Survey of Lake Minnetonka, for the purpose of charting only. D’,f{'§,‘,f,°f°‘“°““N°"h MINNESOTA Aim norm naxora. _ l_ Bed River of the North, from Fargo to the international boundary me.