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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1255

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1168 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. frxiin the Treasury as superintendent, two hundred and fifty thousand do 8l‘S. ,,gf*°°‘* sum °°°“’· SPECIAL WI'I'NESS or DEsT1zUoTIoN or UNITED STATES sEoU1uTIEs: _Wit¤e¤s. desrruc- For pay of the representative of the public on the committee to wit- °°"‘ ness the destruction by maceration of Government securities, at five dollars per day while actually employed, one thousand five hundred and sixty-five dollars. ,,§'ff*’*“¥ °“‘* °°P°”‘ SEALING AND SEPARATING UNITED STATES SECURITIES! For materials required to seal and separate United States notes and certificates, such as composition rollers, ink, printers’ varnish, sperm oil, white printin paper, manila paper, thin muslin, benzine, gutta—percha belting, and gtliipr necessary articles and expenses, one thousand five hundred o ars. cfggffggfl °'“"°”°’ EXPENSES or NATIoNAL cURnENor: Fordistinctive paper, includin Express, mill, and other necessary expenses, twenty-eight thousand . o lars. °““°°“""·°*°· CANCELING UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND GUTHNG DISTINCTIVE PAPER: For extra knives for cutting machines and sharpening same; and leather belting, new dies and punches, repairs to machinery, oil, _ cotton waste, and other expenses connected with the cancellation of redeemed United States securities, two hundred dollars. ,,,{’,‘f‘;’,f,,1,{¥,,_°‘°“· Cusromr or DII··.s, ROLIB, AND PLATESZ For pay of custodian of ‘ dies, rolls, and plates used at the Bureau of Engravin and Printing for the printing of·Government securities, namely: 5ne custodian, three thousand dollars; two subcustodians, one at two thousand dollars, and one at one thousand eight hundred dollars; three distributers of stock, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; in all, eleven _ _ _ thousand dollars. §_",sl{Q,{f,,'jQ‘j},';‘,'g£m PAY OF ASSISTANT CUSTODIANS AND JANIToRs: For pay of assistant ¤¤¢15¤¤i¤>r¤- custodians and janitors, including all personal services in connection with the care of all public buildings under control of the Treasury _ Department outside op the District of Columbia, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, one million three hundred and thirty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury} shall so apportion this sum as to prevent a deficiency therein. p,}:¥’°°*°' °’ '“P‘ ENERAL INsPEcToR or sUPPI.IEs Fox PUBLIC nUII.DINes: For one . general inspector, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to be appointed b the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, three thousand dollars; and for actual necessary expenses, not exceeding two thousand dollars; in all, five thousand do lars, ,,,}Q“§§c°f°’ °‘ ‘“"“‘ INSPECTOR or FURNITURE AND ormzk FURNISHINGS 1-*01: PUBLIC ' BUILDINGS! To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to employ a suitable person to ins .ct all public buildings and examine into their re uirements for diiniture and other furnishings, including fuel, lights, personal services, and other current expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars; and for actual necessary expenses, including lxpenses of assistant, not exceeding three thousand dollars; in all, five thousand five hundred dollars.

  • "*'*'“**””¤’°°'°*· For assistant inspector of furniture and other furnishings for public

buildings, one thousand six hundred dollars. ,.f,';f°“‘“° md *°· FURNITURE AND REPAIRS or FURNITURE: For furniture and repairs of same, carpets, and gas and electric—light fixtures, for all dpublic buildings, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, an assay offices, under the control of the Treasury Department, and for furniture, carpets, gas and electric-light fixtures for new buildings, exclusive of persona services, except for work done by contract four hundred thousand dollars. And all furniture now owned by the United States in other public buildings and in buildings rented by the United