FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. ·Ch. 1483. 1905. 1169 States shall be used, so far as practicable, whether it corresponds with the present regulation plan for furniture or not. Frm., Lrerrrs, AND warm: ron runmc nnrnnmesz For the purchase ,,,5,2,2* ug"' ““d of fuel, steam, light, water, water meters, ice, lighting supplies, electric current for light and ower purposes, and miscellaneous items for the use of the custodians’ gxrces in the care of the buildings, furniture, and heating, hoisting, and ventilating apparatus, and electric-light plants, exclusive of personal service, and for expenses of installin electric—light plants, electric-light wiring, and repairs thereto, in sucg buildings completed and occupied as ma be desi nated by the Secretary of the Treasury, for all public buildings, exciusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, and assay offices under the control of the Treasury Department, inclusive of new buildings, one million one hundred thousand dollars. And the appropriation herein made for gas shall include the rental and use of gas overnors, when ordered by the Secretary of the Treasury in writing: irnvided, That no sum shall be gggvigemou paid as rental for such gas governors reater than thirty-five per centum g `— of the actual value of the gas saveid thereby, which saving shall be determined by such tests as the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct. No portion of the amount herein appropriated shall be used for oper- h,{)’§§,;*,;¤¤**°*“b°P’° atinga system of pneumatic tubes for the transmission of postal matter. ` Surrnnssme OOUNTERFEITING AND orrmak CRIMES: `or expenses mggyggéésftg °°““‘ incurred under the authority or with the approval of the Secretary of Expenséa ` the Treasury in detectin , arresting, and deliverin into the custody of the United Statesmarsiml having jurisdictiomdeaglers and pretended dealers in counterfeit money, and persons engaged in counterfeiting _Treasu notes, bonds, national-bank notes, and other securities of the UnitedStates and of foreign governments, as well as the coins of the United States and of forei governments, andotherfeloniescommitted against the laws of the States relating to the pay and bounty laws, including two thousand dollars to make the necessary investi ga- » tion of claims for reimbursement of expenses incident to the last sickness and burial of deceased pensioners under section forty-seven g. §·.é=c.4i%p. 919- hundred and eighteen of the Revised Statutes the Act of March sec- °' ‘°' ' ond, eighteen iundred and ninety-tive, and for no other purpose _ whatever, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Itmneled, {$'}‘{Q§§§é__ That no part of this amount be used in defraying the expenses of any erson subpoenaed by the United States courts to attend any trial before a United States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, which expenses shall be paid from the appropriation for “Fees of witncmcs, United States courts:" Pmwu ed _/in-!/wr-, That the investigation of claims for the reimbursement *‘°'”*'*‘"’·"“*""· of expenses of the last sickness and burial of deceased pensioners shall he at the instance and under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, and no part of any accrued pension shall hereafter be used to reimburse any State, county. or municipal corporation for expenses incurred by such State, county. or municipal corporation under State law for expenses of the last sickness or burial of a deceased pensioner. _ Com-nxs.rr1ox ix Ln-nr or mouzrms: For compensation in lieu of ,,,§,°§}*}g°,{§$§§§;’§} ‘“ inoictics in certain cases under the customs revenue laws. twenty thorsnnd dollars. ‘ lixiwzxsias OF LOCAL APPRAISERSQ MEETINGS: F or defraying the nec- mgegggi ¤m>¤¤i*¤r·' cssarv expenses of local appraisers at annual meetings for the purpose ` of securing uniformity in the appraisement of dutiable goods at different ports of entry, one thousan two hundred dollars. Laxns Ayn ormcn rnoPr:H’1‘Y or rm; UNITED Szurns: For custody. L¤¤*”· em care. protection. and expenses of sales of lands and other property of the Ynited States. the examination of titles. recording of deeds, advertising, and auctioneer"s fees, four hundred dollars. voi. xxxm. rr 1-74
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