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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1259

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1172 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1183. 1905. 0l*“!¤°ki¤*’·°·Mi°¤· Old Mackinac light station, Michi an: For additional land adjoinin Add1mmmd' Old Maplkinac light station, Straits dgf Mackinac, Michigan, four hung dred dollars. R<¤=k<>fAz¤¤.1\·¤p¤- Rock of A es, Michi n, light and fo ·si nal station: For making ..{?'"°"°°°" °f °`°°’ a survey andgexaminatiidh of due site, detgiled plans and estimates, and beginning the work of construction of alight and fog—signal station on the Rock of Ages, off the western end of ilsle Royale, Lake Superior, Michigan, twenty-tive thousand dollars. D¤¤>¤r.Mi¤1¤· Detour light station, Michigan: For urchase of a lens, which will . show a fixed light varied by a Hash, at lgetour light station, mouth of Saint Marys River, Michigan, four thousand dollars. ggggguwevf- Tender for Lake Superior: Tender for Lake Superior, to`be used by ' the inspector of the eleventh light-house district: o complete a tender for Lake Superior to be used by the inspector of the eleventh lighthouse district, ninety thousand dollars.· ggggigggr Tender in twelfth light-house district: For regzirs of the light-house ' tgnder Lgapzplpita, now on duty in the twelfth lig t-house district, forty thousand o rs. mgg;-pww Rmb- L1oH•r—HoUsn ESTABLISHMENT. S“""°‘· °“’· Snrrnms or mem-nonsmss For su plying fog signals, light-houses, · and other lights with illuminating, dleanin , preservative, and such other materials as may be required for annusd consumption; for books, boats, and furniture for stations, traveling expenses of civilian members of Light-House Board in attending meetings of board at WaShington, an not exceeding three hundred dollars for the purchaseof _ technical and professional books and periodicals for the use of the Light—House Board, and for all other necessary incidental expenses, including the pay of officers and crews of light—house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of Sie light-house inspectors and light-house engineers and at light-house depots, four hundred _ and seventy-tive thousand dollars. R°"“"“· °‘°‘ Rmums or LIGHT-nonsnsz For repairing, protecting, and improving light-houses and buildings; for im_provements to grounds connected therewith; for establishin and repairing day marks and pierhead and other beacon lights, including purchase of land for same; for illuminating apparatus and machinery to replace that already in use; construction of necessary outbuildings, at a cost not exceedin two hundred dollars at any one light station in any fiscal year; and ger all other necessary incidental expenses relating to these various objects. including the pay of officers and crews of l1 ht—house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of die light-house inspectors and light-house en ineers and at light-house depots, seven hundred and forty thousani dollars. K°°*’°’“’ “"*“"*°“· Sanaams or xnnrnns or Lrorrr-norsns: For salaries, fuel, rations, rent of quarters where necessary, and all other necessary incidental expenses of not exceeding one thousand six hundred and fifty lighthouse and fog—signal keepers and laborers attending other lights. eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars. u’h"°““°]" EXPENSES OF LIGHT VESSELS: For seaman’s wa es, rations, repairs. salaries, supplies, and tem rary employment and all other necessary incidental expenses of lighii) vessels, including the pay of officers and crews of light-house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspectors and the light-house engineers and at B liglhbhouse depots, (ive hundred and sixty thousand dollars. °°y°g°' `XPENSES OF BUOYAGEZ For ex nses of establishing, replacing, and maintaining buoys of any and all kinds, and spindles, and for all othe1· necessary incidental ex nses relating thereto including the pay of officers and crews of light-house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspectors and light-house