FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Suss. III; C11. 1483. 1905. 1171 which are herelzlauthorized to be entered into by the Secretary of Commerce and bor, shall not exceed two' hundred thousand dollars. LIGHT-Housics, Bmaooxs, AND Foe SIGNALS. mgslgfagvgim bw- Ames Ledge light station, Maine: For purchasing land on which to ·'¤**°**L°°8°· M°· build an oil house, and so forth, at Ames Ledge light station, Kennebec River, Maine, one hundred dollars. _ Tender for inspector, third light-house district: Toward construct- Third d*°°¤°* *°**· ing, equipping, and outiitting, complete for service, a new light—house d“'m` and buoy tender, for buoyage, sulpp y, and inspection in the third lighthouse district, fifty thousand do lars, and the total cost of said ten er, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not.exceed one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. Horseshoe Reef light station, New York: For rebuilding with iron H°*¤°¤'*°°B°¢*·N-Y- the wioden superstructurey five thousand dollaps. Am rose Channel New ork Harbor New ork: Toward the con- A***b*°¤° 0********* struction of a lightlhouse at the intersection of the axis of the East Nisliviriignirliltingll Chanrp;-el and the west; edgp of it, to form {1. range in Ambro;3 Charilnel, lew ork Harbor . ew ork at a tota cost not to exce one un- , dred and twenty-five thousand dollars, twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may contract gfxé, for the ponstructiciln and ézompletion of said light-house within the limit ` of cost erein authorize . Dglaware Bay apd Rivefglnxlnelg: T¢¥warda»,tablisl(;i1(;gle;‘dight-l:1ou}ga:e R}‘£g}**“’° BW ****‘* and og signal on ioose a 0 thousand 0 rs an the Gnoéwlsland Flats. total cost of said light-house and fog under a contractlwhich is mgh°'h°““°* °°"‘ hereb authorized therefor, shall not exceed e` ht -five thousand d U Y lg Y o ars. Guantanamo, Cuba, naval station lightihgluse For nggintain- ggg£::p¤.1g¤£· in existing aids to navigation to estab is an maintain a itional mc. ‘ ligdits day marks, and beacon lights where required; to build a light- 6 house, depot, with dock, buoy slied, storehouse, custodian’s quarters, and an oil house, including purchase of land therefor, twenty-five thousand dollars. Tender for inspector, fourth light-house district: Completion of the U;£$¤¤¤¤· f¤¤¤*¤ distender for the inspector of the fourth light-house district to take the ' place of the worn—out tender Zizania, seventycfive thousand_dollars. _ Diamond Shoal light station, North Carolina: For furnishing the Lg*;*g°*;Qn§h<}:}*:}g; lens and equipment under the provisions of an Act_ to provide for the mw." ppnstruction pfua lgght-htguse png fog signal gt stazpcén Yllipp,1 in ‘ ‘ *" * " ie opinion o c ccre ry o ommerce an r 1 s re shall be sufficiently completed to permit of their installation, thirty thousand dollars. Tender for inspector, sixth light·house district: Completing a tender m'};$**d°*· ¤***'·’* ‘**¤· for the inspector of the sixth light-house district, eighty thousand dollars. llilhsboro Inlet light station, Florida: For completing construction m“¤b°*°I**l°*·F*¤· of a first-order lilght stahtipihat or near Hillsboro Inlet, east coast of Floricla, twenty thousand dollars. Toward the construction of a light-ship to be placed on the outer {$;*;;',;§;f·G**· bar ot llrunswuk, (xeorgia, forty thousand dollars, and the total cost of said light-ship, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed ninety thousand dollars. _ _ _ Sabine bank light station. Texas: For completing the Sabine light $8****** '>****k·T€*<· station, Texas, twelve thousand dollars. _ Toledo Harbor range lights, Ohio: For repairs and improvements to rI·gm·;up¤li»g».o¤i¤ protect the towers at the Maumee Bay straight channe range lights ng lg " marking the channel for entering and leaving the harbor of Toledo, Ohio. six thousand dollars.
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