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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/126

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38 FIFITY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 160. 1904. ,c§"·”"“’ Mm S°"· _ Runway MAIL smzvronz That the number of clerks apprppriated for ·c1g::s¤ 0%·e3io¤ ot :,2 th? rapwayhmail selrvicehfordthei cu1(i1·¢%1}t:; fiscal yea; is pi 1 iiieid so as ‘ a ow wo thousand six un re an y—six c er s o c ass wo, a _ not exceeding nine hundred dollars each, and seven hundred and eighty f{g,'§’°;,, mmm_ clerks of class one, at not exceeding eight hundred dollars each: Pro- N1?; 32 lm vided, That this change shall be made without increasing the aggre- _.’p'gate sum of money appropriated for clerks of the several classes of the railway mail service in the Post-Office appropriation Act of March · _ third, nineteen hundred and three. ,{‘[$l"°° °°"'°"Y· RDRAL rum: nnrrvnnrz For map work in the rural free-delivery service, three thousand five hundred dollars. For labor employed and material used in the re aration of ruralroute maps, for fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, six thousand five hundred dollars. °"'1°”" For pay. of carriers in the rural free-delivery service, three hundred hm thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ _ '°”· Pay of laborers at (IIVISIOD headquarters, rural free-delivery service, - two nndred and five dollars and forty-fonr cents., — Pzof laborers at division headquarters post-office inspector service, mlm Bum one ousand hundred and twenty dollars. _ _ _ h,m§m,_ To pay Sterling B. Little, temporaY appointee m the rural freedehvery service, salary for the mont commencing seventh, nineteen hundred and three, ninety-three dollars an twenty-sixmnts.; _ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of- the _ and certified in House Document Numbered hree hundred and sixty-. six of this session on acconmt of the rural free-delivery service for fiscal years as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, eight hundred and forty-six dollars and seventy-five cents. For the fiscal *ear nineteen hundred and three, twenty-one thousand _ and twenty-six dollars and thirty-seven cents. I"°‘°°'““°‘p°“°°“· F Incidentzd gtpensgs, spgiial agptiits, route and so foirth: or amoun reim urse epos revenue 0 e sca year mne een hundred and three, being the amount expended in excess of the appgoprtjittion, op: thousand seven hundred and sixty-five dollars and e t - ree cen . ,,,'{§‘,}}\’§’,,"F,’,f,,,_ °l°"‘ lllniinxs in rosr-orricns: Authoriqy is hereby given to use during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and our, out of the appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars for compensation to substitutes for clerks of first and second class post-offices on vacation, not exceeding mm mm twenty-five thousand dollars for temporary clerk hire. ` To pay amounts found due by the accountinlglofiicers of the Treasury - and certified in House Document Numbered ree hundred and sixty- six of this session on account of clerk hire for fiscal years, as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred, forty dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, forty dollars. £§§",,*'f,‘,¥‘,Z,Y°;',§‘;,,L Coumzxssrrox or POSTMASTDBSZ For amount to reimburse the postal revenues, being the amount retained by postmasters in excess of the appropriation for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three six hundred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-eight dollars and seven cents. £§,§‘§f,*§§§,*,§j ,,,,_ Cnr rnnn—nm.1vm1r snnvicns Marine postal service, Detroit, Mich-

  • °°- igan: For amount to reimburse the postal revenue of the fiscal year

nineteen hundred and three, being the amount e nded by postmas- Fmmmw ter in excess of the appropriation, one hundred ahliéforty-five dollars. ' To pay amounts found ue by the accounting officers of the Treasury and certified in House Document Numbered Three hundred and sixty-six of this session on account of the free·deliver_v service, for fiscal years as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, five dollars;