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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/127

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 160. 190-L 39 For the iiscal year nineteen hundred and three, eleven thousand two hundred and thirty-tive dollars and ninety-two cents. ` l\¢.lAIL *r1zANS1>0R*rA*r1o1<: To pay amounts set forth in House Docu- Mnilrrunspcrmtion. ments Numbered Two hundred and sixty and Three hundred and sixty-Six, of this session, for inland transportation, as follows: By railroads, on account of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and R¤i1¤>¤d mutcs. two, one thousand four hundred and eighty-nine dollars and one cent. _ By railroads, on account of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one thousand four hundred and seventy-two dollars, and nineteen cents. By star routes, on account of the iiscal ear nineteen hundred and Bm '°“*°“- two, five thousand six hundred and one dollars and fourteen cents. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. cu§flg*;¤¤°¤°°fA€¤· To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for “Contingent expense, °°”“”8°¤*°¤P°¤¤¤* Department of Agriculture," for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, fifty-four dollars and f:ifty-four cents. To Supply deficiencies in the appropriations for "Agricultural E‘P°“m°“***““°”* experiment stations" for the fiscal years, as follows: · For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, two hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty eight cents. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one dollar and twenty- three cents. For the Bseal year nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and sixty-six dollars and twenty-five cents. LH}ISLATIVE. **8*8]*****- To pay to John G. Ames the balance due him for oompilin the -},01mG- Ames Com rehensive Index to Government Publications from eighteen °ym°°m‘ hundred and eighty-one to eighteen hundred and ninety-three, authorized by joint resolution of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety- Seven, three thousand dollars. LIBRARY or oouenmss. L“"°”’°‘°°°¥‘°'* For fuel, lights, repairs, and miscellaneous supplies, electric and Fmt ”~¤¤¤·<>=¤· steam apparatus, reference books, stationery, and all incidental expenses in connection with the custody, care, and maintenance of said building and grounds, five thousand dollars. runmo rmivrixo nm nmnmo. b,{,’g}*,}gP**¤**¤¤¤¤¤ For printing and binding for the Department of the Interior, includ- I’“°"°’D°P°'*m°¤’· ing its several bureaus an offices, and the Civil Service Commission, forty-two thousand dollars. The accounting officers of the Treasury Department are hereby M“‘°’*°“'· “°· authorized and directed to allow and credit in the settlement of the accounts of the Public Printer. on account of the public printing and the public binding for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, Such sums as may have been necessarily expended by him, or may, during the current fiscal year, be required for the services. materials, an supplies enumerated in House Document Numbered Sixty-nine, Fifty- eighth Con ress, second session. _ And sued accounting officers are also authorized and directed to F¤*¤**¤¤¤·¤¤=· allow such sums as may be required of the unexpended balance of the appropriation “Public printing and binding, nineteen hundred and three," to pay for furniture, shelving, file cases, vault fixtures, and