FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. C11. 1483. 1905. 1181 pensation of temporary employees, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, twelve thousand Eve hundred dollars. Propagation of food—fishes: For maintenance, equipment, and opera- Propagation extions of the fish-cultural stations of the Bureau, the general propaga— °°°"°' tion of food-fishes and their distribution, including the movement, maintenance, and repairs of cars, purchase of equipment and a ratus, contingent expenses, and temporary labor, two hundred andfclirty thousand dollars. Maintenance of vessels: For maintenance of the vessels and launches, nmnwnimceorves including the purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machinery, and ”°l“‘ other facilities required for use with the same, hire of vessels, and all Sth;-ar necessary expenses in connection therewith, fifty thousand o ars. Inquiry respecting food-fishes: For field and contin ente nses of Y“¤““'Y *€¤P<·>¢**¤8 the inquiily into the causes of the decrease of food-iisfiges in lh; lakes, foiiidei1<il;il.,sxpe¤¤es. rivers, an coast waters of the United States, and for the study of the waters of the interior in the interest of iish—culture; for the investigation of the fishing-grounds of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, with the view of determining their food resources, in the development of the commercial fisheries, expenses of necessary travel and preparation of reports, and for all other necessary expenses in connection therewith, twenty-five thousand dollars. Statistical inquiry: For necessar traveling and contingent expenses snumenmquu-y. in the collection and com ilation of the statistics of the fisheries and tlhqkstudy of their method; and relations, seven thousand five hundred 0 rs. . And ten per centum of the foregoing amounts for the miscellaneous rmmimugauis sx. expenses of the work of the Commission shall be available inter- *’°°“"“'°* . changeably for expenditure on the objects named, but no more than ten per centum shall be added to any o e item of appropriation. Fish hatchery, Woods Hole, Massachusetts: For construction and §,F¤0Qgs¤¤é0l M repair of wharves and buildings, ten thousand dollars. °’ m Fish hatchery, Bozeman, Montana: For the purchase of land and Bozeman, Mem. construction and 'repair of buildings, six thousand dollars. Fish hatchery, Clackamas, Oregon: For the purchase of land and C1¤·°'<¤¤¤=»0*¢8- construction of buildings at Clackamas and auxiliary stations, five thousand dollars. Fish hatchery, Spearfish, South Dakota: For the purchase of Sv¤¤¤¤¤· S· wkadditional lands, construction of buildings, repair of damage caused byl flood, and protection of station against floods, eleven thousand do lars. Fish hatchery, Baker Lake, Washington: For the construction and ¤¤k~¢r¤·•k¤. “`·~¤¤¤- re ir of roads, trails, and buildings, five thousand dollars. Fish hatchery, Battle Creek, California: For the purchase of land B··<¤¤ <‘~¤k—<‘¤* . aud construction of buildings, five thousand dollars. Fish lmtrlieries, Alaska: For the establishment of one or more man. _ hatcheries in Alaska for the (propagation of salmon and other food ,,,E_“l‘“°" m‘°"“`· fishes. at points to be selecte by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, including the purchase of sites, construction of necessary buildings and ponds, purchase and hire of boats, equipment, and suc tem orary help as may be required for construction and operation of the hatclneries, to be immediately available, fifty thousand dollars. For the protection of the salmon fisheries of Alaska. including sal- Agents aries of one agent, at two thousand five hundred dollars, and: one assistant agent, at two thousand dollars, seven thousand dollars. mscm.r.Axr,oUs omncrs, Dnraurninxr or coumcncu Asn LABOR. M,,c,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ AXLASKAN san. rrsursnuzsc For salaries and traveling expenses of ,es*}l*”k*"‘***‘l ‘****="· agents at seal fisheries in Alaska. as follows: For one agent. three Agenrs's¤l¤n·:s.»»u·
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1268