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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1269

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1182 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; one assistant agent, two thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars; two- assistant agents, at two thousand one hundred and ninety dollars each; necessary traveling expenses of agents actually incurred in going to and returning from Alaska, not to exceed five hundred dollars each per annum; and for the purchase of stationery for the use of said agents, and the expense of transporting the same to the Pribilof Islands, Alaska; in all, twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. ufgd- °*°-· *°’ ”°‘ To enable the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to furnish food, ` fuel, and clothing to the native inhabitants on the islands of Saint Paul _ _ and Saint George, Alaska, nineteen thousand Eve hundred dollars. °"”’°°° "‘°‘““'°"· Enroncnmmrr or run CHINESE-mxonusron Acr: To prevent unlawful entry of Chinese into the United States, by the appointment of suitable officers to enforce the laws in relation thereto, and for expenses of returning to China all Chinese persons found to be unlawfully in the United States, inclndin the cost of imprisonment and actual expense of conveyance of Cdiuese persons to the frontier or seaboard for deportation, six hundred thousand dollars, of which sum one thou- ~. sand dollars per annum shall be paid to the Commissioner-General of fg"u*{j{§g,,0¤B_ Immigration as additional compensation: Provided, That the annual subscriptions for publications or use in the immigration service at _ __ large may be paid in advance. ,,§,§‘{§g"“€ "°“‘““* LONTINGENT nxrnnsns snrrrmo smavrcnz For rent, stationery, and other requisites for the transaction of the business of shipping com-_ missioners’ offices, seven thousand dollars; and this sum shall be in full for all such expenses for the iiscal year nineteen hundred and six, and shall be so disbursed as to prevent a dehciency therein. mf,,Q‘{°’*°' D°P“’*' UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Public buildings. PUBIJC BUILDINGS- R°*’“"‘· REPAIRS or BUILDINGS, Iisrrnmon Dmrmrmnm: For re irs of Interior Department and Pension buildin , and of the oldmPost—Office Department building occupied by the Idterior Department, ten thousand dollars. For preservation and re ir of steam heating and electric lighting plants and elevators, buildlmgs, Department of the Interior, five thousand dollars. For the im rovement of the heating of the old Post-Oiiice building, twenty-four dhousand dollars. §Q£lf,'§_ Fon run Cnrrror.: For work at Capitol, and for general repairs thereof; wages of mechanics and laborers; purchase, maintenance, and driving of horse and office vehicle, and not exceeding one hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and necessary books, thirty thou- · Y sand dollars. -

0;i’§§.,§{llF° °“ml“g Toward the construction of the fireproof building for committee

··¤¤!·¤· r>· *$r rooms and offices for the United States Senate provided for in the suns dry civil Act approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, including not exceeding five hundred dollars for the purchase of necessary technical and other books, five hundred and eighty thousand c{’,§:,$‘€"y;_mm°,em_ dollars, to continue available until expended: Provided, bat any clerk Noyes. or other emplo ee designated by the commissions on the Senate office _ building, the Uouse office building, or the joint commission on the Capitol extension, respectively, and who may now be receiving a salary from the Government, shall be paid from the date of his appointment such compensation as may be iixed by the respective commissions, not to exceed one thousand dollars per annum in any case. ,,,f"$¥,§?,°{,}’“}§;gf§c_F Toward the construction of the fireproof building for committee vgygrigzw- um rooms and offices for the House of Representatives, provided for in °‘ "°’ the sundry civil Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and