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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1270

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1183 three, including not exceeding five hundred dollars for the purchase of necessary technical and other books, nine hundred and eighty thousand dollars, to continue available until expended. To continue the construction of a building for a heating, lighting, H¤¤¤i¤:.e¤=-.1>1¤¤t. and power plant in connection with the office building for the House of Representatives, the installation of necessary machinery, for labor and material, construction of ducts, heating mains, subways, and traction system connecting the Capitol building, and for all other a pliances, and for each an ever purpose in connection with all ofp the foregoing, three hundred anciysixty-three thousand dollars. To provide flags for the east and west fronts of the center of the Flags. Capitol, to be hoisted daily under the direction of the Capitol police board, one hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For continuing the work of cleaning and repairing works of art in Repairing works or the Capitol, including the repairing of frames, under the direction of ”"‘ the Joint Committee on the Library, one thousand five hundred dollars. Immovme Tim CAPrroL eRoUN1>s: For continuing the work of the cnpiwigmimas. improvement of the Capitol grounds and for care of the grounds, one [clerk, and the pay of mechanics, gardeners, and laborers; for repairs to artificial stone pavement, walks, and roadways, twenty-tive thousand dollars; and the sum of one thousand eight hundred dollars of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the improvement of the Ca i- tol grounds for the fiscal) year nineteen hundred and four is hereby made available for the purchase of fertilizer, seeds, trees, shrubberies, and plants, and labor and material incident thereto, for the improvem?t_of the Capitol grounds during the fiscal year nineteen hundred _ an six. Lrenrnve rm-: Carrron Aim eaomms: For lighting the Capitol and m’&*€g§gf,§d&°°P‘*°‘ grounds about the same, includin the Botanic Garden, Senate and House stables, and en ine house, dldaltby Building, and folding and storage rooms of the THouse of Representatives; for gas and electric lighting; pay of superintendent of meters, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, lamplighters, gas iitters, and for materials and labor for gas and electric ligihting, and for general repairs, forty-two thousand five hundred dollars. F or repairs and improvements to steam tire-engine house and Senate Repairs, st.ab1es,etc. and House stables, and for repairs to and aving of iioors and courtyards of same, one thousand five hundred dbllars. Rnrams or Buunrxe, Counr or CLAIMS: For special repairs to the com of cniims building occupied by the Court of Claims, namely, for painting, sky- b“§gE,§‘§,_ lights, new roonng, new doors and sash glazing; new steanrhcating boilers, electric wirin , and for labor and material for and incident to the foregoing, seven tiiousand five hundred dollars. nxrnxsrzs or Tun COLLECTION or nsvnnum Fnom SALES or runmc mimic mms. LANDS. SALARIES AND COMMISSIONS or mcersrnns AND nncmvnnsz For aegisam and is salaries and commissions of registers of district land offices and receiv- °°°"°”‘ ers of public moneys at district land offices, at not exceeding three thousand dollars per annum each, five hundred and ninety thousand dollars. Coxrrxcnxr nxrnxsns or LAND orrrcnsz For clerk hire, rent, and C°”““¥°“‘°‘P“‘$°S· other incidental expenses of the district land offices, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided. That this appropriation shall ,€;Q’g§g’,h_ be available for the payment of per diem, in lieu of subsistence, not exceeding three dollars per day. of clerks detailed to examine the books and management of district land offices and to assist in opening new land offices and reservations. while on such duty, and for actual necessary traveling expenses of said clerks, including necessary sleep- R _ __ _ ing-car fares: Prodderl j`m·!hw*. That no expenses chargeable to the pe,§`Zgl°“°" °" °X`