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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1274

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1187 For geolotgical surveys in the various portions of the United States, G¤¤1¤si<=¤1¤¤rvey¤. two hundre thousand drollars, to be immediately available; For paleontologic researches relating to the geology of the United w££‘Qf{Q;"°1°g‘° ’** States, ten thousand dollars: l For continuation of the investigation of the mineral resources of A}‘,fj§§“"”°“”“°* Alaska, eighty thousand dollars, to be immediately available; ` For chemical and physical researches relating to the geology of the °*‘°“**°“‘· *"°·· *°· . . searches. United States, twenty thousand dollars; . For the preparation of the illustrations of the Geological Survey, I“"""“°““· ` eighteen thousand two hundred and eighty dollars; or the preparation of the report of the mineral resources of the “*°°"·‘_'°“°“'°°•· United States, including phosphates, and the investigation of methods m{,}‘°‘:f{,§c“t‘}f,}‘d:’ of extraction of the mineral values of the black sands of the ,Paci5c slope, which report shall be ublished in one octavo volume and as a distinct (publication, the number of copies, printing of separate cha ters, an mode of distribution of which shall be the same as of the annpaln report, seventy-tive thousand dollars, to be immediately avai a e; For the purchase of necessary books for the library, including direct- B°°°‘“· °"°· ories and professional and scientific periodicals needed for statistical puyposes, two thousand dollars; or engraving and printing the geological maps of the United M‘*’°· States, one hundred thousand dollars; For gauging the streams and determining the water supply of the w"°’““”"· United States, and for the investigation of underground currents and artesian wells, and the preparation of re rts upon the best methods of utilizing the water resources, two hundred thousand dollars; For the continuation and completion on or before July first, nineteen d§f{“°*“’“‘ '”•°°‘ hundred and six, of the investigation of the structural materials of the PM. v- lm- United States (stone, cla s, cements, and so forth; under the supervision of the Director of the United States Geologica Survey, to be immediately available, seven thousand five hundred dollars; ° For the continuation and completion at Saint Louis, Missouri, on or Q2,'};; before July iirst, nineteen hundred and six, of the analyzing and testing of the coals, lignites, and other fuel substances of the United States, in order to determine their fuel values, and so forth, under the supervision of the Director of the United States Geological Survey, to be immediately available, two hundred and two thousand dollars; For continuation of the survey of the public lands that have been or se§{};;°>' °‘ “"°** W may hereafter be designated as forest reserves, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. to be immediately available; ` For steel book stacks, shelving, and map cases for the library of the grew wok wicks. Survey, seven thousand dollars. ° ` In all. for the United States Geological Survey. one million four hundred and eighty-four thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. 'l`he Secretary of the Interior may authorize such expenditure as 0u§j;*·*m°°’°’*°°*Vi¤° may be necessary, not exceeding three thousand dollars, for rent of nam. oflice accommodations in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, for the reclamation service, established by Act approved June seven- V°‘· M P· 3** teenth, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An ct appropriating the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands in certain States and Territories to the construction of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands." That the Secretary of the Interior may authorize the purchase of uw b°°k"’°‘“‘ such law books, books of reference, periodicals, engineering and statistical publications as are needed in carrying out the surveys and examinations authorized by the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen Wl- 3* P· *>"°‘· hundred and two. entitled "An Act appropriating the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands in certain States and Territories